Advanced Seminar on Interdisciplinary Studies in Education

Numbering Code G-EDU13 56006 LJ46
G-EDU13 56006 LJ47
Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits Course Type special lecture
Target Year Master's students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Thu.4・5
Instructor name TAKAHASHI YUUSUKE (Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate Professor)
MIHARA SHINGO (Part-time Lecturer)
FUJITA HIROYO (Part-time Lecturer)
Roger Frie (Graduate School of Education Visiting Professor)
HATTORI TATSUYA (Part-time Lecturer)
YAMAMOTO HIDEKI (Part-time Lecturer)
HATTORI KENJI (Graduate School of Education Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course The aim of this class is to enable students to master proper investigative methods and interdisciplinary viewpoints and approaches; incorporate various domains within educational studies, other academic domains, and scientific communication; and collaborate with a wider community. Researchers and practitioners from within and outside the graduate school, who are at the cutting edge of their respective disciplines, are invited to speak in a series of sessions. Aside from listening to the lectures, students are called to engage in lively debate with fellow students and with the lecturer as well. This will enhance their specialist knowledge and communication skills and foster deeper thinking.
Course Goals Participating students must acquire the following abilities:
1. The ability to explain basic matters associated with the various facets of educational science and other relevant areas
2.The ability to analyze and discuss their research topics from an interdisciplinary perspective; alongside mastery of discussion aimed, for example, at the identification and resolution of societal problems and the formation of a vision for the future
3. The ability to developmentally conduct research on their own specializations and adjacent domains using appropriate methods
Schedule and Contents  As seen below, sessions will be held in pairs and each topic will be tackled extensively. Students will listen to a lecture on the designated theme by a lecturer from within or outside the graduate school and they will then engage in a discussion based on the lecture among themselves as well as with the lecturer.
First session: Orientation
Second and third session: Lesson given by lecturer (1) followed by a discussion among participating students and then another discussion including the lecturer
Fourth and fifth session: Lesson given by lecturer (2) followed by a discussion among participating students and then another discussion including the lecturer
Sixth and seventh session: Lesson given by lecturer (3) followed by a discussion among participating students and then another discussion including the lecturer
Eighth and ninth session:Lesson given by lecturer (4) followed by a discussion among participating students and then another discussion including the lecturer
Tenth and eleventh session: Lesson given by lecturer (5) followed by a discussion among participating students and then another discussion including the lecturer
Twelfth and thirteenth session: Lesson given by lecturer (6) followed by a discussion among participating students and then another discussion including the lecturer
Fourteenth and fifteenth session: Overall summary
※ The session schedule and the order of lecturers are currently being organized.
Evaluation Methods and Policy 【Evaluation method】
Performance is evaluated through brief reports submitted after each lecture (80%) and participation in discussion (20%).
【Evaluation guidelines】
Achievement of attainment targets is evaluated according to the Graduate School of Education's evaluation guidelines.
Course Requirements This class is intended for students under the Master of Education program (Interdisciplinary Studies in Education Division).
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Aside from having an interest in matters outside their own specialization, it is also important for students to develop the habit of tackling problems from an interdisciplinary perspective through the lectures and the discussions. Furthermore, they should also make links between their own research interest and design and the entire research process. Students are required to study the subject with an inquisitive attitude so that they can deepen their understanding to the extent that they are able to utilize the thinking styles and knowledge acquired in the class in their own research or practice and even in ordinary situations.
Textbooks Textbooks/References None
References, etc. To be outlined in class