Teaching at University: A Preparing Future Faculty Program

Numbering Code G-EDU50 56132 SJ47 Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, Second semester
Number of Credits Course Type topics seminar
Target Year Graduate school students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Intensive
Instructor name SATO MACHI (Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education Associate Professor)
MATSUSHITA KAYO (Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education Professor)
KATSUMA LISA (Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education Program-Specific Assistant Professor)
TAGUCHI MANA (Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course ・It is more important than ever for graduate students aiming to become university instructors to develop not only their abilities as researchers but also their abilities as educators. This course aims to help students develop the basic knowledge and abilities needed for university teaching, based on discussions and peer-based collaborative learning.
・This course focuses on students, through lectures/practica on class design, model lessons, and review sessions.
【Outline/Purpose of Cross-Sectional Graduate Education】
Whether in the sciences or the humanities, teaching students who are beginners in their fields requires corresponding knowledge and skills. This course teaches the fundamental knowledge and skills of class design through lectures and practica. In addition, the course aims to broaden students' perspectives of themselves and their peers as university instructors by conducting discussions on “university classes,” transcending the research field, and the university framework.
Course Goals (1) Learn about and understand the current status of university education
(2) Learn and understand the fundamentals of course design
(3) Create an effective course design (achievement goals/grading model)
(4) Learn various classroom methods and plan their application
(5) Brush up the implementation skills of the class through model lessons and review meetings
(6) Thoroughly participate in cooperative group activities
(7) Gain a broad perspective and practical image of oneself as a university instructor
Schedule and Contents
① Guidance, ice-breaking
② Mini lecture/discussion: trends in university education reform
③ Mini lecture: basics of course design
④ Mini lecture/practicum ①: design a syllabus
⑤ Group work ①: set a theme/create a syllabus

⑥ Mini lecture/practicum ②: student diversity
⑦ Explanation of class design sheet/introduction of practical examples
⑧ Group work ②・③: create a class design sheet
⑨ Mid-term presentations, class comments
⑩ Mini lecture/practicum ③: experience various teaching/evaluation methods
⑪ Group work ④: create a class design sheet and prepare a model lesson

⑫ Model lesson preparation
⑬ Model lesson/review meeting ①
⑭ Model lesson/review meeting ②
⑮ Receive evaluation, group discussion
⑯ Group presentations
Evaluation Methods and Policy 【Grade Evaluation Method】
① Thorough participation in group activities (20 points)… particularly related to goal (6)
② Quality of syllabus and course design sheet (20 points)… particularly related to goal (3) and (4)
③ Quality of model lesson (30 points)… particularly related to goal (5)
④ Peer review sheet (10 points)… particularly related to goal (6)
⑤ Final Report (20 points)… particularly related to goals (1), (2) and (7)

【Evaluation Policy】
Students will be evaluated based on achievement goals under the Graduate School of Education grading policy.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Reviewing material and participating in group work outside of class are required as necessary for creating syllabi, class design sheets, and supplementary materials for conducting model lessons.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Not used
References, etc. 京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター 『生成する大学教育学』 (ナカニシヤ出版) ISBN:978-4779506451 , 田口真奈・出口康夫・京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター 『未来の大学教員を育てる-京大文学部・プレFDの挑戦』 (勁草書房) ISBN:978-4326250882, 夏目達也・近田政博・中井俊樹・齋藤芳子 『大学教員準備講座』 (玉川大学出版部) ISBN:978-4472404009, 佐藤浩章編著 『大学教員のための授業方法とデザイン』 (玉川大学出版部) ISBN:978-4472404184, 松下佳代・京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター 『ディープ・アクティブラーニング-大学授業を深化させるために-』 (勁草書房) ISBN:978-4326251018, 溝上慎一 『アクティブラーニングと教授学習パラダイムの転換』 (東信堂) ISBN:978-4798912462, 中井俊樹編著 『シリーズ大学の教授法3 アクティブラーニング』 (玉川大学出版部) ISBN:978-4472405334