Field Research in Europe

Numbering Code G-ECON31 6A912 FE31
G-ECON31 6A912 FE43
Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, First semester
Number of Credits 1 Course Type
Target Year Target Student
Language English Day/Period Intensive
Instructor name HISANO SHUJI (Graduate School of Economics Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course The purpose of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to participate in a field trip to various sites in one of the region (mainly in the Netherlands, Germany or the UK) as well as an intensive cross-cultural and interdisciplinary programme (e.g. interactive lectures, seminar classes, and joint graduate workshop) organised with the support of our partner universities (e.g. Wageningen University, Heidelberg University, University of Glasgow). Through participation students are expected to acquire a sense of the reality on the ground with an international comparative perspective.
Course Goals Students taking this course and participating in a field trip are expected to benefit from first-hand experience and acquire skills needed to conduct field research in various settings and to analyse the complex and dynamic processes of sustainable and inclusive development and socio-cultural interaction in the region. It is our goal that participating students enhance their multidimensional and multidisciplinary understanding and critical sense of reality regarding economic, social and political systems.
Schedule and Contents For the time being, there is two possible programmes during the 2022 academic year: one in Wageningen, the Netherlands (theme: agrarian and food citizenship) in the middle of May, and the other in Prague, Czech Republic (GLOCAL “Global Markets, Local Creativities” Summer School) in late August. Due to their thematically specific nature and our budgetary limitations, however, opportunities are not necessarily given to all EA students. Also, depending on the situation of Covid-19 pandemic in Japan and Europe, there is a possibility to cancel the programmes.
Evaluation Methods and Policy This course requires ex-post registration. Grading will be conducted on the basis of field trip participation and a presentation given at a graduate workshop, as well as the quality of the completion report submitted by the students.
Course Requirements A sufficient level of English communication skill for conducting field research activities is required, as is a sufficient degree of progress in research in order to present at a joint workshop. Please note that some of the collaboration with our partner universities in European countries are research area-based: Wageningen University for agri-food and rural development studies; GLOCAL Consortium Partner Universities, such as University of Glasgow, University of Barcelona and Erasmus University Rotterdam, for business and socio-economic history studies. It is possible for doctoral students to register for the course and obtain credits twice (as maximum). However, these separate registrations must be in different years/semesters.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Students are required to prepare well for field trip activities and the joint graduate workshop.