Econometric Analysis of Developing Economies

Numbering Code G-ECON31 6A543 SE43 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar
Target Year Target Student
Language English Day/Period Mon.5
Instructor name YANO GO (Graduate School of Economics Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course この授業の目的は、参加者が標準的な経済学のツールを用いた移行経済・発展途上経済の実証分析に習熟し、実際に研究を行うことである。
The course aims participants to master and conduct empirical study of transition and developing economies using the tools from standard economics.
Course Goals 経済学当該分野における査読付き論文を執筆する能力を習得することが期待できる。
 It can be expected that participant students obtain skills to write papers publishable on refereed acdemic Journals of those fields of Economics.
Schedule and Contents 論文・書籍の講読と個人研究報告が主としてこの授業を構成する。特に注意が払われるトピックスは、制度と経済発展、途上国経済における企業金融、企業家の生成、少数民族地域の経済、である。
 Reading and discussing academic papers or books and personal research reports by participants comprise main contents on this course. Particularly focused topics are: institutions and economic development, corporate finance in developing economies, generation of entrepreneurs, and economy in ethnic minorities areas.
We have a talk over what paper or books to read on this course from time to time. This course is offered in English.

Round 1st- Round 6th: Reading and discussion of academic papers in the field of developing economies

Round 7th: Personal research report by a participant

Round 8th- Round 13th: Reading and discussion of academic papers in the field of developing economies

Round 14th and Round 15th: Personal research reports by participants
Evaluation Methods and Policy 論文レポートと議論への貢献(90%)・個人研究報告(10%)によって評価する 。
Evaluation is done on the basis of academic paper(s) report(s) and contribution to discussion (90%) and personal research report (10%).
Course Requirements (統計学を含む)計量経済学、マクロ経済学、ミクロ経済学の基本的理論を修得済であることを参加者は要求される。この要求は厳格なものである。
 Participants are required to have mastered basic level of econometrics including statistics, microeconomics and macroeconomics. Knowledge of econometrics is particularly important. The requirement is strict.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 論文の購読をおこなうときには、出席者は事前にその論文の内容を精査し、すでに学術誌に掲載されている論文であっても、その改善提案を具体的に考えてくることが期待される。
Participants are supposed to read carefully papers beforehand and propose several way to improve the papers which have been ususally published already on Journals.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 上記のように受講者と相談の上、適宜指定していく。
We have a talk over what paper or books to read on this course from time to time, as mentioned above.
References, etc. 授業中に紹介する。
The material to refer is introduced during classes.