Economic and Business History of Japan

Numbering Code G-ECON31 5A416 LJ43 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Wed.4
Instructor name WATANABE JUNKO (Graduate School of Economics Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Students will learn the basic contents of the history of the Japanese economy and management after the War using two textbooks. Lectures by the faculty members in charge are the basis of the course, but students are also expected to give presentations and engage in discussions.
Course Goals Acquiring basic knowledge of Japanese economic history and business history and gaining a foothold in the subjects, issues, and methods of research, such as for the master's thesis. Students will also learn how to make oral presentations and engage in discussions.
Schedule and Contents 1. Guidance 
2. Historical Significance of the Opening of the Port at the End of the Edo Period
3. Meiji Restoration and Primitive Accumulation
4. Establishment of Japanese Capitalism
5. Formation of Imperial Economic Structure
6. The Showa Depression and Economic Recovery
7. Wartime Economic System and Its Failure
8. Postwar Reform and Economic Reconstruction
9. The Age of High-Growth Economy
10. Conversion to stable growth
11. Bubble Formation and Collapse
12. Long-term Stagnation and Transformation of Japanese-type Corporate Systems
13. Experience of Japan as one of the Most Developed Countries
14. Summary
15. Final exam
Evaluation Methods and Policy Class participation (Reports, Remarks and manner of class participation; 50%); Final Exams (50%)
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Prepare by reading the text before class (and review the material later, as well).
Textbooks Textbooks/References 武田晴人 "日本経済史" (有斐閣) ISBN:978-4-641-16528-1, 橋本寿朗ほか "現代日本経済 第4版" (有斐閣) ISBN: 978-4-641-22121-5
References, etc. Introduced during class