Numbering Code | G-ECON31 5A409 LJ44 | Year/Term | 2022 ・ First semester | |
Number of Credits | 2 | Course Type | Lecture | |
Target Year | Target Student | |||
Language | Japanese | Day/Period | Wed.3・4 | |
Instructor name | MAKINO SHIGEFUMI (Graduate School of Economics Professor) | |||
Outline and Purpose of the Course | This is a seminar aimed at graduate students who wish to become researchers in management and adjacent areas. The purpose of this lecture is to provide graduate students researchers in this field an understanding of the development of management research and modern business management. The basic form of the class will be a reading seminar, focusing on classic literature in management and relatively recent major research papers. | |||
Course Goals | Understanding the development of management research and form a picture of the basic field as a modern management researcher. The goal is to read the classical literature related to management, understand its development and flow, and learn how to read research papers using relatively recent typical research papers. Different kinds of research papers will be studied -- such as theoretical, quantitative research using secondary data, quantitative research using questionnaire surveys, and qualitative research, and their methodology will be briefly explained. | |||
Schedule and Contents |
Classics of management on so-called modern administration will be covered, such as Chester Bernard's "The Functions of the Executive" and Herbert Simon "Administrative Behavior" in addition to literature on scientific management, human relations, and contingency theory. In research papers, typical research papers in the areas of knowledge and organizational ability, institutionalization, learning, networking, innovation, creativity, and M & A -- which have been the core research fields of the past 10 years or so -- will be covered. The lesson plan is as follows: 1. Introduction (Classics) 2. 科学的管理法 F.W.テーラー(1911)"科学的管理法の原理" (上野陽一訳"科学的管理法" 所収) 3. 人間関係論 E.メイヨー(1933)"産業文明における人間問題" F.J.レスリスバーガー(1942)"経営と勤労意欲" 4. 近代組織論とバーナード C.I.バーナード(1938)"経営者の役割" 5. サイモンと意思決定 H.A.サイモン(1947)"経営行動" 6. コンティンジェンシー理論 ローレンス=ローシュ(1967)"組織の条件適応理論" 7. 戦略論と産業組織 ポーター(1980)"競争の戦略" (Research Papers) 8. 制度と組織 DiMaggio, Paul J. and Walter W. Powell (1983) “The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields,” American Sociological Review, 48(2):147-60. 9. 組織内ネットワークとイノベーション Hargadon, Andrew and Robert I. Sutton, (1997) “Technology Brokering and Innovation in a Product Development Firm,” Administrative Science Quarterly, 42(4): 716749. 10. 知識と組織能力 Haas, Martine R. and Morten T. Hansen (2004) “When using knowledge can hurt performance: the value of organizational capabilities in a management consulting company,” Strategic Management Journal, 26: 1-24 11. M&Aと信頼 Graebner, Melissa E. (2009) “Caveat venditor: Trust asymmetries in acquisitions of entrepreneurial firms,” Academy of management Journal, 52(3): 435-472. 12. イノベーションと'両利き' 経営 Benner, Mary J. and Michael Tushman (2002) “Process management and technological innovation: A longitudinal study of the photography and paint industries,” Administrative Science Quarterly, 47(4): 676-707. 13. 創造性のマネジメント Markus Baer (2012) “Putting Creativity to Work: The Implementation of Creative Ideas in Organizations,” Academy of management Journal, 52(3): Academy of management Journal, 55(5): 1102-1119. 14. Submission and Evaluation of term end reports |
Evaluation Methods and Policy |
Every class, a designated presenter will write a report on the contents of the document and express their comments. The summary of the report must be up to three pages and commentary up to two pages in A4. Presenting at least one report is a credit requirement, but it may be higher depending on the number of students. All students submit one A4 page on the main issues and comments for each class. Submission of at least two-thirds of the total is required for a credit. For the end-term report, the submission must be at least five A4 pages on one of the topics of the class. Specific training of the research gap is the purpose of the reports. Evaluation comprises these three types of reports, as well as class participation. |
Course Requirements | None | |||
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) | Participants are required to read the assignment in advance and prepare a summary of the main issues and comments within one page of A4 each time. | |||
Textbooks | Textbooks/References | In addition, printouts will be distributed for the classic texts. Research papers may be downloaded in advance by the students. | ||
References, etc. | Introduced during class |