Advanced Microeconomics

Numbering Code G-ECON31 5A401 LJ43 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 4 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese and English Day/Period Mon.2・Wed.2
Instructor name Chen Chia-hui (Institute of Economic Research Associate Professor)
HARA CHIAKI (Institute of Economic Research Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Through a coursework format, the basic topics of microeconomics (including game theory) will be efficiently explained. These topics are generally considered essential for first-year students of economics research to understand.
Course Goals The goal is for students to master the standard contents of microeconomics, which are regarded widely as being required for first-year graduate students.
Schedule and Contents [Course Schedule and Contents]
The course is divided into two parts; the first half is conducted by Shigoka and the second by Hara. Schedule details will be announced at the first lecture. The topics dealt with in each part are as follows:
[First half]
1. Consumer Theory
2. Producer Theory
3. Expected Utility Theory
[Second half]
1. General Equilibrium Theory (Basic theorems of welfare economics, existence of equilibrium, and comparative statics)
2. Basics of Game Theory (simultaneous turn game, sequential turn game, repetition game, and incomplete information game)
3. Practical Topics (Oligopoly, Public goods, etc.)
Evaluation Methods and Policy Exams are conducted twice, and their results are used as evaluation criteria. Additionally, assignments are given almost every week, and that score is also taken into account.
Course Requirements Students must have completed the undergraduate Principles of Economics course or equivalent subjects (for 1st and 2nd year students). It is also preferable if students have taken Microeconomics or specialized courses aimed towards 3rd and 4th year students that use microeconomics. Acquiring a similar level of academic ability through self-study is also acceptable.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Through completing homework assigned almost every week and attending TA sessions (place and date of these lectures to be determined later) which will clarify the homework, students should be able to both understand and apply microeconomics.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Lecture notes are mainly used.
References, etc. Mas-Colell, A., Whinston, M.D., Green, J.R. "Microeconomic Theory" (Oxford University Press) ISBN:9780195102681 is the standard graduate level textbook. ハル R.ヴァリアン (著), 佐藤 隆三 (翻訳), 三野 和雄 (翻訳) "ミクロ経済分析" (勁草書房) ISBN:4326548452 is used as reference for the first half of the lectures. Instead of the latest edition, the second edition of the text may be used, as far as the content of the lectures. This is a Japanese translation of the second edition of the original. D. M. Kreps "Microeconomic Foundations I: Choice and Competitive Markets" (Princeton University Press) ISBN:9780691155838, Original lecture notes will be uploaded to the following website.
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