Special Lecture on Natural Resources Economics VA
Numbering Code | G-AGR06 7FC08 LE82 | Year/Term | 2022 ・ Intensive, First semester | |
Number of Credits | 1 | Course Type | Lecture | |
Target Year | Target Student | |||
Language | English | Day/Period | Intensive | |
Instructor name | ERIC PONTHIEU (Part-time Lecturer) | |||
Outline and Purpose of the Course |
【This intensive course, themed "The Making and Implementing of European Union Policies in the Field of Sustainable Development," will be taught by Dr. Eric Ponthieu, Head of Unit "Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment,” European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The exact dates and format (in person or online) of the course are yet to be decided, but it will most likely be held in the second half of July 2022.】 The lecture will assess how the EU is applying the principles and is aiming at the targets of the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda. It will highlight a certain number of key policy developments such as the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork strategy, the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and the structural involvement of civil society and youth in decision-making processes. National decision-making has often been characterized by its narrow vertical, sectoral policy approach and its almost total absence of considerations for the global environment. A wind of change however blows on the governance of states, forcing them to adapt to new challenges and opportunities. Today, it is commonly admitted that all significant decisions by governments, but also by private and public organisations, should be taken through the lens of the sustainability criterion. Practically, it means that each new project, policy or financing has to be assessed on whether it can lead simultaneously to a prosperous economy, an inclusive society and a protected ecosystem. Another system change concerns the growing interdependence of states and the obligation to take stock of global issues when designing the content of national decisions; the pressing question of climate change is the perfect illustration of the need for aligning national policies towards the common goal of mitigating temperature rise increase. The paradigm change in the way to take decisions at state, public and private organisations' level requires to adapt academic programs to the new reality of integrated and comprehensive decision- and policy-making. This lecture will provide students with the vision of how sustainable development (SD) has become the main benchmark of any decision in the different sectors of the society, at all institutional levels. To demonstrate that comprehensive and global decision-making approaches are both right and necessary, the lecture will investigate the specificities of the sustainable development policies of the EU. It will show how the EU succeeded in progressively integrating a wider set of policies to address key sustainability issues. The most emblematic development of that integrating approach is the so-called European Green Deal which aims at transforming the EU into a climate neutral society by 2050. The European Green Deal is the first EU wide-ranging policy framework aiming purposely at sustainable development through different transformational goals. The environmental objective (no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050) of the European Green Deal is complemented by equally important economic (modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy) and social (no person and no place left behind) goals. The lecture will analyse in detail the overall governance of the European Green Deal and will assess some of its main components such as: - the Farm to Fork strategy, - the EU Circular Economy Action Plan - the structural involvement of civil society and youth in decision-making processes. The lecture will be a valuable source of inspiration for students who are concerned about the application of ambitious climate policy measures in Japan and other Asian countries. |
Course Goals |
The course will aim at: - providing an introduction to the EU institutional decision-making process, - reviewing the history of the EU environmental legislation, - informing about the 2030 SD Agenda and its weighing on the EU policies - assessing the value and uniqueness of the European Green Deal - Focus on the different key components of the European Green Deal, with a particular emphasis on the Farm to Fork strategy - Inform on the participatory approaches relating to SD policies, in particular those concerning the European youth. |
Schedule and Contents |
Lecture 1) The EU institutional and decision-making process – The role of the European Economic and Social Committee Lecture 2) The EU environmental legislation Lecture 3) The 2030 SD Agenda Lecture 4) The European Green Deal Lecture 5) The European Green Deal Lecture 6) The Farm to Fork strategy Lecture 7) The EU Circular Economy Action Plan Lecture 8) The participatory approaches relating to SD policies |
Evaluation Methods and Policy |
Participation (30%), In-class presentation (40%) and homework (30%) Refer to "2022 Guide to Degree Programs" for attainment levels of evaluation |
Course Requirements | The students will be requested to prepare in advance the next lecture so as to be able to participate dynamically into the conversations with the lecturer and the group. | |||
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) | Students will be asked to develop a maximum three-page thesis on "the relevance and impact of personal engagement in meeting ambitious SD objectives – how should governments promote citizens' and participatory approaches?" | |||
Textbooks | Textbooks/References | No textbook. Reading will be made available to students. | ||
References, etc. |
European Green Deal: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1576150542719&uri=COM%3A2019%3A640%3AFIN Farm to Fork strategy https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52020DC0381 The EU circular economy Action Plan https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1583933814386&uri=COM:2020:98:FIN The UN 2030 SD Agenda https://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/70/1&Lang=E |