Experimental Course of Plant Nutrition1

Numbering Code G-AGR03 5CC25 EB79 Year/Term 2022 ・ Year-round
Number of Credits 6 Course Type Experiment
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period
Instructor name IFUKU KENTARO (Graduate School of Agriculture Professor)
KOBAYASHI MASARU (Graduate School of Agriculture Associate Professor)
OCHIAI KUMIKO (Graduate School of Agriculture Assistant Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Plants take up inorganic compounds from rooting soil and convert them into organic compounds, on which all the living organisms on the earth depend. Seventeen elements (C, H, O, N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Mo, B, Cl) are required by plants to complete their life cycle from germination to seed setting, and all the elements except carbon, oxygen and hydrogen are provided by soil. Each of the 14 elements has particular function in plant cells and different mode of uptake by the root cells. To edulidate the function of a particular inorganic element in higher plants is the objective of our laboratory. Select one or two subjects which are proposed by teaching stuff, and research the function of the inorganic elements in higher plants. stugy plant nutrition .
Schedule and Contents Followings are current subjects of the laboratory. Students can select research subjects in which they could have interest. Usually the period is two years, but sometime he can change research subject at every year. A) Rresponses of rice plants to nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen is the most important fertilizer to crop plants, but excessive nitrogen may bring about eutrophication of the environment. Therefore, an efficiient supply of nitrogen ferilizers to crop plants is important. Also a trait of crop plants, good response to applied nitrogen, is also an important characteristics of crop plants. We are selecting a rice strain which has effcient uptake systems for nitrogen. The goal of the research is to finding out a nitroten-efficient rice strains.
B) Evaluation of organic fertilizers. Recently organic farming is very popular in developed countries. However, methods to evaluate organic fertilizers has not been established yet. In the laboratory, we propose the respiration rate of organic fertilizers could be a good indicator of the maturation quality. Based on the proposed method, we have analyzed many organic fertilizers and fermented manures arount Kyoto city. C) Function of boron (B) in higher plants. B is an essential element of higher plants, however, its exact function has never been known. The laboratoy has found that B crosslinks pectic network in higher plant cell walls. The crosslinking is supported by calcium bonding, too. The research objective is to know to where does B bind in cell walls, and how do cells realize the cell wall formation is impared because of B deficiency.
Evaluation Methods and Policy Prepare mastre thesis on the resulsts of two-year labo experiments.
Course Requirements None