Life Sciences IV (Advanced Course)

Numbering Code G-AGR03 6CA27 LJ68 Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, First semester
Number of Credits 1 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Intensive
Instructor name Not fixed (Kyoto University)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Novel Bio-Analysis World with Metabolomics
Understanding of metabolism of living cells is essential for advance of life sciences and its applications. Recently, metabolomics (metabolome analysis) is attractively focussed in the biochemistry. Metabolomics is suitable for comprehensive and high-resolutional analysis of living cells. In the biosciences, metanolomics as one of tools of novel metabolism analysis is significant and is available for medical fields, preparation of druga, medical diagnosis, and food, nutrient, and environmental sciences. In this class, principles of metabolomics in organic, analytical, and informatic chemistries, are explained and mentioned to its applications.
Course Goals Comprehensive profilings of metabolites in the metabolomics will be useful for studies by researches of life sciences and a lot of aspects for understanding of living cells will be disclosed.
Schedule and Contents 1. Overview of metabolomics
2. Preparation of samplae for metabolomics
3. Analysis in metabolomics
4. Analysis of raw data in metabolomics
5. Applications of metabolomics (food sciences)
6. Applications of metabolomics (biotechnology)
7. Applications of metabolomics (medicines)
8. Development of future metabolomics

26, 27 in July

27 pm GENERAL LECTURE- Development of future metabolomics for trans-omics
Evaluation Methods and Policy Evaluation of attending classes and reports
Course Requirements With analytical chemistry and biochemistry
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Pre-studies on analaytical chemistry and biochemistry
Studies on the some reports and books introduced in the class