Special Lecture on Frontier of Corporate Finance

Numbering Code U-ECON00 30602 LJ44 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year 3rd & 4th year students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Fri.3・4
Instructor name KODA HIROTO (Graduate School of Management Practicing Professor, Professional Graduate School)
SHIBASAKI TAKESHI (Graduate School of Management Specially Appointed Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course [Mizuho Securities Endowment Course] In this course, students will conduct academic research on corporate finance and related fields and learn about practical applications. The course aims to integrate theory and practice from the perspective of an investment bank, which is responsible for facilitating fundraising functions in financial and capital markets by acting as an intermediary between companies and investors, and making its own investments. Each lecturer will discuss his or her area of expertise, including current market conditions and introduction of actual examples.
Course Goals ・To acquire basic knowledge of corporate finance.
・To deepen the understanding of corporate finance theory rooted in practice.
Schedule and Contents [Course schedule (tentative)] First semester: Friday (every other week), 3rd and 4th period
・Scheduled every other week for two periods (3 hours).
Combination of online classes using Zoom and face-to-face classes
1. (4/9) Orientation, capital markets, and corporate finance from a macro perspective
2. (4/23) Theory and practice of corporate finance 
3. (5/7) ESGs/SDGs and financial capital markets
4. (5/21) Financing through capital markets - Practical background and case studies
5. (6/4) Introduction to M&As
6. (6/25) Institutional investors and asset management business
7. (7/9) Fintech and financial institutions
8. (Converted to 15) Feedback
Feedback will be posted on KULASIS based on attendance, class participation, and the grades received on the final report.
*The content and order of the lectures may be subject to change depending on the availability of the lecturer.
Evaluation Methods and Policy ・Class performance (35%): Submit a short report on the content of each class
・Final report (65%)
Course Requirements Undergraduate students: Basic knowledge of business administration, accounting, and economics is desirable.
Graduate students: Auditing by students from other graduate schools is permitted. However, please note that classes will be given on the assumption that students have basic knowledge of business administration, accounting, and economics.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Preparation:
・Students should check their level of proficiency concerning basic knowledge of business administration, accounting, economics, etc.
・Students should refer to the reference literature, etc., as appropriate, and look them up in advance using a glossary, etc., if there are technical terms that they do not understand.
・Students should re-read the summary distributed in class and check their understanding of the content.
・When the lecturer indicates reference materials, students should refer to them as necessary to further their study.
Textbooks Textbooks/References No specific text is used. Summaries will be distributed in each class.
References, etc. Brealey, Myers, Allen, コーポレートファイナンス(上)(下) (Nikkei Business Publications)
Ide, K., and Takahashi, F., 経営財務入門 (Nikkei)
Ito, K., 新・企業価値評価 (Nikkei)
Sunagawa, Kawakita, and Sugiura, 日本企業のコーポレートファイナンス (Nikkei)
Sunagawa, Kawakita, Sugiura, and Sato, 経営戦略とコーポレートファイナンス (Nikkei)
Ikeo and Koda, 日本経済再生 25年の計 (Nikkei)
The Securities Analysts Association of Japan (ed.), 証券分析・投資運用用語辞典, (Tokiwa Sohgoh Service)
Japan Securities Research Institute, 図説 日本の証券市場
Other materials will be introduced as appropriate during the course.
Courses delivered by Instructors with Practical Work Experience 分類:

An omnibus course delivered by invited lecturers and guest speakers from different companies, etc.