advanced seminar

Numbering Code U-ECON00 30030 SJ43
U-ECON00 40040 SJ43
Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Fri.4・5
Instructor name KUROSAWA TAKAFUMI (Graduate School of Economics Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course The theme of this practicum is "industrial dynamics."
We will target not only developed and mature countries such as Japan, East Asia, Europe, North America, and China, but also Asian, African, and Latin American countries, which have increased their presence in the 21st century, as industries from a global perspective. Furthermore, we will compare and examine their industrial dynamics.
We will pay attention to the fact that the framework of the international division of labor and competition is changing from single-country units to "regional" units, and to the network relationships between and within regions. We will learn about the sources of competitive advantage in each region and the dynamics of competitiveness based on historical perspectives and ways of thinking. The purpose of this practicum is to cultivate a multifaceted view of the economy and to acquire a global perspective.
Course Goals A historical perspective/approach is a comprehensive and contemporary perspective comprising the following three points: (1) emphasis on structure and context (combination of conditions unique to the times, regions, and social groups), (2) focus on complex interaction processes, and (3) consideration of cognitive and behavioral principles of social actors (individuals and organizations).
In this practicum, we aim to acquire the ability to understand the world by applying this historical perspective and thinking method to modern economic phenomena and problems in corporate management. The key feature of this practicum is its high degree of internationality. The goal of this practicum is that you acquire the ability to develop logical discussions on complex social and economic issues in both Japanese and English, and to express them in writing based on sufficient knowledge of the diversity and universality of the world.
Schedule and Contents [Practicum content/topics]
This practicum is based on reading and debating (in Japanese and English) the literature related to the above subjects. Globalization, which people today are aware of, makes the conditions of competition uniform on a global scale and highlights the unique competitiveness of a particular region. In this practicum, we will examine the issue of industrial dynamics from the perspectives of industrial theory and industrial history, as well as economic policy.
[Plan] We are planning a practicum comprising the following content:
① Each 4th period: Report and discuss the literature
(2) Each 5th period: Research plans, surveys, reports, and discussions related to individual research
(3) To cultivate internationality, The Economist will be used as a teaching material as appropriate, and discussions will be held on subjects beyond the scope of the theme of "industrial dynamics."
For more detail, refer to the notification by P and A and the data posted in the lesson materials column.
Evaluation Methods and Policy Method/Criteria:
Depends on attendance status, willingness to participate in classes, and the level of individual reports and presentations
Course Requirements Willingness to self-study. Interest in foreign countries and a wide-ranging interest in society.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Be sure to read the designated documents for each designated part before the start of the practicum.
If you are the assigned reporter for the week, prepare a report resume and other materials.
Learning, researching, and writing dissertations on the subject of the practicum should generally be done through self-study and outside practicum hours. Secure twice as much time as the practicum itself.
Textbooks Textbooks/References In addition, during the previous term, we will read 3-4 books in a round-reading format. After identifying the students, the subjects will be decided after listening to their academic and reading history, but for now, the following are potential readings:
・ Satoshi Inomata, "グローバル・バリューチェーン 新・南北問題への眼差し" Nihon Keizai Shimbun Publishing Co., Ltd., 2019
・ Andrew S. Grove "ラノイアだけが生き残る" Nikkei BP, 2017
Clayton Christensen, "イノベーションのジレンマ" Shoeisha, Supplementary Revised Edition, 2001
References, etc. Introduced during classes
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