Management Information Systems
Numbering Code |
U-ECON00 30203 LJ43 U-ECON00 30203 LJ44 U-ECON00 30203 LJ13 |
Year/Term | 2022 ・ Second semester | |
Number of Credits | 2 | Course Type | Lecture | |
Target Year | From 2nd to 4th year students | Target Student | ||
Language | Japanese | Day/Period | Tue.1 | |
Instructor name | MATSUI HIROYUKI (Graduate School of Management Professor) | |||
Outline and Purpose of the Course |
In modern society, computerization (digitization) is progressing rapidly. Large amounts of varied information in society have been digitized, and social systems and mechanisms are changing on that premise. New businesses premised on digital and existing companies, organizations, and societies cannot survive unless they respond to major social changes with digitalization, that is, digital transformation (DX). The aim of this course is for students to be able to gain insight into how companies, organizations, and societies will be changing, by learning the development process and gaining basic knowledge of information and communication technology (ICT), and understanding the impact of computerization (digitization) on the society and economy. |
Course Goals |
・ To acquire the development process and basic knowledge of information and communication technology (ICT) ・ To understand the impact of computerization (digitization) on management, economy, and society ・ Based on the above, to acquire basic knowledge and the ability to respond to future developments in ICT and social changes |
Schedule and Contents |
Specific topics (cases) on various matters related to computerization will be introduced, and the impact of computerization (digitization) on society and economy will be discussed. Lectures will be the main means of learning about the basics of computer systems, which is a minimum required knowledge, the relationship between organizations and management and information systems, and the development process of management information systems. Meanwhile, each student will be expected to engage in proactive learning by doing research, thinking, and finding answers individually. Examples will be given for the following issues, themes, and topics; 1?3 lectures per theme, for a total of 15 lectures are scheduled. 1. Basics of computer systems 2. Corporate management and information systems 3. Internet business/digital company 4. Cloud computing 5. Big data/Internet of Things (IoT)/Internet of Everything (IoE) 6. Artificial intelligence (AI) 7. Chief Information Officer (CIO)/Chief Data Officer (CDO) 8. Internal control and JSOX 9. Digital transformation (DX) |
Evaluation Methods and Policy | As a general rule, reports (approximately 4 submissions, 70%) + final report (30%). The final report may be changed to an exam. | |||
Course Requirements | From the list of introductory courses, students must have completed "Introduction to Management" and "Introduction to Information Processing." From the list of advanced basic courses, students are encouraged to have completed "Strategic Management," "Organizational Behavior 1," "Organizational Behavior 2," "Marketing 1," and "Marketing 2." | |||
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) | In general, course materials will be distributed in advance for each lecture. Students will be required to read the materials as part of preparation before attending the next lecture. Lectures will be given on the premise of the completion of the preparation. To check their understanding of lecture contents, students will be required to submit regular reports. | |||
Textbooks | Textbooks/References | Course materials and related materials will be uploaded to PandA or distributed during lectures. | ||
References, etc. | ニコラス・ネグロポンテ 『ビーイング・デジタル―ビットの時代』 (アスキー) ISBN:4756116043 1995年, カール・シャピロ,ハル・ヴァリアン/大野一 『情報経済の鉄則 ネットワーク型経済を生き抜くための戦略ガイド』 (日経BP社) ISBN:4822255573 日経BPクラシックス,2018年(「ネットワーク経済」の法則―アトム型産業からビット型産業へ…変革期を生き抜く72の指針,IDGコミュニケーションズ,1999年), 宮川公男,上田泰編著 『経営情報システム』 (中央経済社) ISBN:4502091707 第4版,2014年, 遠山暁,岸真理子,村田潔 『経営情報論』 (有斐閣) ISBN:4641220573 新版補訂版,2015年, 木嶋恭一,岸眞理子 『経営情報学入門(放送大学教材)』 (放送大学教育振興会) ISBN:4595319517 2019年, Robert D. Austin, Shannon O'Donnell, Richard L. Nolan/淀川高喜 『ビジネスリーダーにITがマネジメントできるかーあるITリーダーの冒険』 (日経BP社) ISBN:482226243X 2010年, 野村総合研究所システムコンサルティング事業本部 『図解CIOハンドブック』 (日経BP社) ISBN:4822251721 改訂5版,2018年, 一般社団法人日本内部監査協会 『IT監査とIT統制―基礎からネットワーク・クラウド・ビッグデータまで―』 (同文舘出版) ISBN:4495197924 改訂版,2015年, マーク・ベニオフ,カーリー・アドラー/齊藤英孝 『クラウド誕生 セールスフォース・ドットコム物語』 (ダイヤモンド社) ISBN:4478012482 2010年, 林雅之 『イラスト図解式 この一冊で全部わかるクラウドの基本 第2版』 (SBクリエイティブ) ISBN:4797399996 2019年, アレックス・モザド,ニコラス・L・ジョンソン/藤原朝子 『プラットフォーム革命―経済を支配するビジネスモデルはどう機能し、どう作られるのか』 (英治出版) ISBN:4862762492 2018年, ユルゲン・メフェルト,野中賢治,アンドレ・アンドニアン/小川敏子 『デジタルの未来 事業の存続をかけた変革戦略 』 (日本経済新聞出版社) ISBN:4532176360 2018年, スコット・ギャロウェイ/渡会圭子 『the four GAFA 四騎士が創り変えた世界』 (東洋経済新報社) ISBN:4492503021 2018年, 村田聡一郎/SAPジャパン,プレジデント経営企画研究会 『Why Digital Matters? ~ “なぜ"デジタルなのか~』 (プレジデント社) ISBN:4833451301 2018年, 及川卓也 『ソフトウェア・ファースト あらゆるビジネスを一変させる最強戦略』 (日経BP) ISBN:4822289915, 藤井保文,尾原和啓 『アフターデジタル オフラインのない時代に生き残る』 (日経BP) ISBN:4296101625, 海老原 城一,中村彰二朗 『Smart City 5.0 地方創生を加速する都市 OS』 (インプレス) ISBN:4295006149 2019年, 斎藤昌義 『コレ1枚でわかる最新ITトレンド[新装改訂3版] 』 (技術評論社) ISBN:4297111454 2020年. Other reference material will be introduced in lectures, as necessary. |