Introductory Biology for Forest and Biomaterials Science

Numbering Code U-AGR05 4E111 OJ69 Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year 1st year students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Intensive
Instructor name IKEDA TAKEFUMI (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Three teaching staff members will deliver lectures on three fields: (1) plant cells and ecosystem, (2) animal cells and ecosystem, and (3) heredity/evolution/phylogeny. The lecturers provide a broad description of biological insight into plants and animals, from molecules/cells at the microlevel to colonies/ecosystems at the macrolevel. In addition, they provide an explanation of heredity, evolution, and phylogeny, which are shared by all living organisms, including plants and animals.
Course Goals The aim is for those who did not take biology in high school to gain a broad understanding of the content of high school level biology and acquire the basic knowledge needed for more specialized learning.
Schedule and Contents Three members of teaching staff will provided intensive lectures on the following three areas. The exact dates and timings will be published on KULASIS.

(1) From plant cells to ecosystem (KITAJIMA, Kaoru)
Lecture 1: Plant cells
Lecture 2: Respiration/photosynthesis
Lecture 3: Plant development and structure
Lecture 4: Plant physiology and environmental response
Lecture 5: The ecosystem and environment

(2) From animal cells to ecosystem (TAKAYANAGI, Atsushi)
Lecture 6: Animal cells and development
Lecture 7: Animal body
Lecture 8: Animal behavior
Lecture 9: Population dynamics
Lecture 10: Animal conservation

(3) Heredity/evolution/phylogeny (ISAGI, Yuji)
Lecture 11: Mechanism of heredity
Lecture 12: Phenotypic expression
Lecture 13: Gene technology
Lecture 14: Evolution
Lecture 15: Phylogeny and biodiversity
An exam will be given in each field.
Evaluation Methods and Policy [Assessment method]
Assessment is based on exams in each field (80%) and attendance/class participation (20%).
[Assessment criteria]
Assessment criteria and policy are drawn from "Assessment criteria and policy" in the current version of the Faculty of Agriculture Student Handbook.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Be sure to do some reading in advance, with reference to the syllabus.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Not used
References, etc. IKEUCHI, Masahiko et al. (trans.) 『エッセンシャル キャンベル生物学 原書6版』 (Maruzen-shuppan) ISBN:978-4-621-30099-2; SHIMADA, Masakazu et al. (eds) 『生物学入門 第3版(大学生のための基礎シリーズ)』 (Tokyo-kagaku-dojin) ISBN:978-4807909520