Organic Chemistry in Food Science II

Numbering Code U-AGR06 2F105 LJ79 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year 2nd year students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Wed.2
Instructor name IRIE KAZUHIRO (Graduate School of Agriculture Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Lectures will be given on the basics of organic chemistry, which are necessary to understand life at the molecular level. Students are encouraged to engage with practice problems in order to perfect their understanding of organic chemistry. Food Organic Chemistry II provides lectures on representative ionic reaction (nucleophilic substitution reaction, elimination reaction, electrophilic addition reaction to conjugated diene, and electrophilic arene substitution reaction).
Course Goals To understand the mechanisms of nucleophilic substitution reaction, elimination reaction, electrophilic addition reaction to conjugated diene, and electrophilic arene substitution reaction, and to be able to explain them in reference to the electronic theory of organic chemistry.
Schedule and Contents Two or three weeks will be spent on each topic listed below. In Food Organic Chemistry II, lectures are given on Chapters 9-11 and Chapters 14-16 of the textbook (Vol. 1 and Vol. 2)

1. Alkyne reaction
2. Nucleophilic substitution reaction on saturated carbon
 1) SN2 and SN1 mechanism
 2) Examples of nucleophilic substitution reaction
3. Elimination reaction
 1) E2 and E1 mechanism
 2) Competitive reaction of substitution and elimination
 3) Orientation of E2 elimination and stereochemistry
4. Conjugated compound
 1) Electrophilic addition reaction to conjugated diene
 2) Diels-Alder reaction
 3) Ultraviolet spectrometry
5. Aromatic compound
 1) Definition and naming of aromatic compound
 2) Electrophilic arene substitution reaction
 3) Substituent effect (orientation and reaction speed)
 4) Strategy to synthesize multisubstituted aromatic compounds

Feedback: After the exam, answers will be distributed, and students will receive responses to their questions.
Evaluation Methods and Policy 【Assessment method】Assessment is based on the end-of-semester exam.
【Assessment criteria】Assessment criteria and policy are drawn from "Assessment criteria and policy" in the current version of the Faculty of Agriculture Student Handbook.
Course Requirements It is strongly advisable that students have Food Organic Chemistry I. This course cannot be taken together with Organic Reaction Mechanism I, a designated subject in applied life science (auditing is permitted).
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) A handout summarizing each lecture will be distributed one week in advance. Students are expected to prepare for each lecture using the handout. Students are to complete practice problems to review what has been learned. Answers to the practice questions should be submitted by 18:00 the next day in Room N-222 of the Faculty of Agriculture Main Building (alternatively, answers can be sent as an e-mail attachment to irie.kazuhiro.2z at Corrected answers will be returned in the next class.
Textbooks Textbooks/References JOHN McMURRY 『マクマリー有機化学(上)第9版』 (Tokyo-kagaku-dojin) ISBN:978-4-8079-0912-4, JOHN McMURRY 『マクマリー有機化学(中)第9版』 (Tokyo-kagaku-dojin) ISBN:978-4-8079-0913-1
References, etc. Clayden, Greeves, Warren, Wothers 『ウォーレン有機化学(上)』 (東京化学同人) ISBN:978-4-8079-0568-3; Clayden, Greeves, Warren, Wothers 『ウォーレン有機化学(下)』 (東京化学同人) ISBN:978-4-8079-0569-0