Forest Environmental Sciences

Numbering Code U-AGR05 3E192 LJ80 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year 3rd year students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Mon.1
Instructor name TATENO RYUNOSUKE (Field Science Education and Research Center Professor)
SAKANOUE NAO (Field Science Education and Research Center Assistant Professor)
MATSUOKA SHUNSUKE (Field Science Education and Research Center Assistant Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course The biotic and abiotic environment surrounding forests will be reviewed, introducing knowledge based on related fields such as forest ecology, biogeochemistry, environmental science, and diversity science. In addition, the relationship between forests and humans will be outlined from the perspective of matter cycles, biodiversity, watershed management, and forestry. The purpose of this class is to understand the forest environment and the relationship between forests and humans from a variety of perspectives.
Course Goals Achievement goal of this lecture is to acquire the ability to think comprehensively about the conservation of forest environments and sustainable use of the forest resource by learning not only the natural scientific knowledge of the abiotic environment (air, water, soil, etc.) and the biotic environment surrounding forests, but also the humanistic and social knowledge concerning forests.
Schedule and Contents In the lecture, followings will be presented.
(1)Guidance: Forest Environmental Sciences
(2)Atmospheric environment 1: Climate and weather
(3)Atmospheric environment 2: Atmospheric composition
(4)Water environment 1: Water cycling
(5)Water environment 2: Plant water use
(6)Soil environment 1: Soil formation
(7)Soil environment 2: Nutrient cycling
(8)Relationship between forest and humanity 1: Forest practice and nutrient cycling
(9)Biotic environment 1: biological interaction
(10)Biotic environment 2 : biodiversity
(11)Relationship between forest and humanity 2: Forest management and biodiversity
(12)Relationship between forest and humanity 3: Forest management and watershed management
(13)Relationship between forest and humanity 4: Production and distribution of forest products
(14)Relationship between forest and humanity 5: Forest management and organization
Evaluation Methods and Policy Achievement for understanding of course contents and its application will be evaluated by Final Examination (40%),the participation to the lecture including occasional short reports(40%)in the class.

Refer to '2022 Guide to Degree Programs' for attainment levels of evaluation.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Some short reports will be prepared in the lecture for reviewing student's understanding of the issue presented at the lecture. Students should review and systematize about contents of the lecture, especially on those emphasized at lectures.
References, etc. 森林環境科学, 只木良也, (朝倉書店), ISBN:4-254-47025-8, in Japanese
森林生態学, 石井弘明、徳地直子、榎木勉、名波哲、廣部宗編, (朝倉書店,2019), ISBN:978-4-254-47054-3, in Japanese
環境意識調査法 -環境シナリオと人々の選好-, 吉岡崇仁編, (勁草書房, 2009), ISBN:978-4326503261, in Japanese
地域森林管理の主体形成と林業労働問題, 志賀和人・藤掛一郎・興梠克久編著, (日本林業調査会), ISBN:978-4889652055
We will introduce some related texts in lecture.