Applied Microbiology I

Numbering Code U-AGR02 2B126 LJ79 Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year 2nd year students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Mon.2
Instructor name SAKAI YASUYOSHI (Graduate School of Agriculture Professor)
HASHIMOTO WATARU (Graduate School of Agriculture Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course Microorganisms have evolved in their own way as unicellular organisms, and they are very diverse. Students will acquire basics knowledge about diverse microorganisms through lectures on microorganism science and its methodology in reference to biochemistry and molecular and cellular biology. The topics include fermentation, a source of various disciplines, as well as the industrial use of microorganisms. The aim is to enhance students' understanding of microorganisms and aid their ability to apply that knowledge.
Course Goals To understand basic topics related to microbial physiology in general, including cultivation/proliferation/heredity/metabolism/cellular structure. At the same time, to understand fermentation/material production and the beneficial function of diverse microorganisms living in the environment. Additionally, to be able to theoretically explain various actions in microbial physiology through this lens.
Schedule and Contents FFourteen lectures will be given on the topics listed below:

Lectures 1 and 2
1) History of microbiology and its development as a science
i) Introduction: Birth of microbiology and development of its methodology (Sakai)
ii) Pursuit of fermentation as the origin of biochemistry (Sakai)

Lectures 3-5
2) Evolution and classification of microorganisms, and their cellular structure and functions
i) Evolution and classification of diverse microorganisms (Hashimoto)
ii) Prokaryotic cell structure and functions (Hashimoto)
iii) Eukaryotic cell structure and protein synthesis (Sakai) (Lecture 7)

Lectures 6 and 7
3) Microbiology: isolation, growth, and screening
i) Medium characteristics, microbial count measurement, and microbial population (microbiomes)(Hashimoto)
ii) Cultivation methods, and analysis of uncultured microorganisms (Sakai)

Lectures 8 and 9
4) Basic concepts in microbial metabolism and food production
i) Catabolism and assimilation of microorganisms (Hashimoto)
ii) Fermentation and brewing (Hashimoto)

Lecture 10
5) Microbial nutritional forms and the material circulation
Diverse nutritional form of microorganisms that support resource circulation (Sakai)

Lecture 11
6) Microbial infections
Mechanisms of infection and food poisoning (Hashimoto)

Lectures 12-14
7) From microbial genetics to molecular biology (Sakai)
8) Metabolic regulation and the gene expression mechanism of microorganisms (Sakai)

Lectures 15 and 16
The end-of-semester exam and feedback

Feedback: Teaching staff will make themselves available in the classroom or in their offices during the feedback period to answer students' questions.
Evaluation Methods and Policy 【Assessment method】
Assessment is based on the end-of-semester exam (60 points) and attitude (40 points), assessed on the reports set at the end of the lectures and class participation.
Reports are assessed based on the achievement policy.
【Assessment criteria】
Assessment criteria and policy are drawn from "Assessment criteria and policy" in the current version of the Faculty of Agriculture Student Handbook.
Course Requirements The Department of Applied Life Science offers Applied Microbiology II and Applied Microbiology III in the first semester in the third year, and the Department of Food Science and Biotechnology offers Microbial Genetics in the first semester in the third year.
Applied life science and food science and biotechnology students are encouraged to take these classes.

Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Prepare for the lecture by pre-reading the textbook carefully.
Be sure to read the distributed material in order to deepen your understanding.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Sakai, Takegawa, Hashimoto and Katayama (eds) 『遺伝子・細胞から見た応用微生物学』 (Asakura-shoten) ISBN:978-4-254-43124-7 ; handouts will be distributed when necessary.
References, etc. 『ヴォート 基礎生化学』, 『細胞の分子生物学 (THE CELL)』, 『マッキー 生化学』