Boundedness of Varieties of General Type
Lecture 4 Christopher HACON
Course Description
Varieties of general type are the higher dimensional analog of Riemann surfaces of genus \(g \geq 2\). If \(X \subset \mathbb{ P }^N_C\) is a variety of general type then, by definition, the sections of \( H^0(\omega^{\otimes m}_X) \) determine a birational map for all sufficiently big integers \( m \gt 0\).
In these lectures we will explain recent results on the boundedness of varieties of general type that ultimately lead to the construction of a corresponding moduli space (more precisely to the construction of the KSBA proper functor of log canonically polarized log canonical pairs).
- Year/Term
- 2015 / Intensive, First semester
- Date
- June 10th to June 26th, 2015
- Faculty/
Graduate School - Graduate School of Science
- Language
- English
- Instructor name
- Christopher HACON(Distinguished Visiting Professor, Kyoto University / Distinguished Professor, University of Utah)
- Place
- Room 127, Graduate School of Science Bldg No 3; Room 420, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
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