UNESCO International Scientific Symposium
23. Assessment of Surface Water Quality Using Environmetric Techniques: A Case Study of the Lower Songkhram River Basin, Thailand Sangam Shrestha (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
- 1. Opening remarks
Masaaki Naito (Director, Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute (LBERI), Japan)
Jul. 15, 2015 22:06 English
- 2. Opening remarks
Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO)
Jul. 15, 2015 06:34 English
- 3. Opening remarks
Yosuke Yamashiki (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS), Kyoto University, Japan)
Jul. 15, 2015 01:35 English
- 4. Opening remarks
Kaoru Takara (Chairperson, Japanese IHP National Committee for UNESCO; Director, Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University)
Jul. 15, 2015 07:35 English
- 5. Monitoring and Mitigating a Global Proliferation of Toxic Cyanobacterial Blooms
Hans W. Paerl (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States)
Jul. 15, 2015 35:29 English
- 6. Ecophysiology, Phytogeography and Environmental Sociology on Water Blooms of the Globally Distributed Cyanobacterium
Shinichi Nakano (Kyoto University - Centre for Ecological Research)
Jul. 15, 2015 18:59 English
- 7. Ecological Regime Shift in South Basin of Lake Biwa: Focus on Algal Blooms and Submerged Macrophyte Overgrowth
Kanako Ishikawa (LBERI)
Jul. 15, 2015 13:36 English
- 8. Toxic Threat in Asian Wetlands, a Message for the Wetlands Day 2015
Ahmad Mahdavi (University of Tehran, Iran)
Jul. 15, 2015 17:33 English
- 9. Occurrence and Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Aquatic Environment of Ismailia Canal, Egypt
Hossam S. Jahin (National Water Research Centre, Egypt)
Jul. 15, 2015 07:48 English
- 10. Question & Answer
Jul. 15, 2015 08:07 English
- 7. Drilling Water Quality Used on the Campus of Abomey-Calavi in Benin
Emmanuel Lawin (Université d'Abomey-Calavi, Benin)
Jul. 16, 2015 08:10 English
- 8. Water Quality Assessment in a Rural Setting; a Case-Study of Budaka District
Albert Rugumayo (Ndejje University, Uganda)
Jul. 16, 2015 08:19 English
- 9. Water Resources Management Challenges and Problems in Burundi
Jean Marie Sabushimike (University of Burundi, Burundi)
Jul. 16, 2015 13:21 English
- 10. Question and Answer
Jul. 16, 2015 10:49 English
- 11. Connection between Japanese Official Development Assistance and International Organizations
Mr. Koichiro Matsuura (former Director-General of UNESCO, S.A.Professor, GSAIS, Kyoto University, Japan)
Jul. 16, 2015 57:05 English
- 12. Importance of Groundwater / Surface Water Interaction in Quality and Quantity of Water Resources in Semi-arid Regions
Maki Tsujimura (UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Groundwater Management and University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Jul. 16, 2015 13:30 English
- 13. Coping with Groundwater Contamination in Urban Areas – A Case Study of Hadano, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Takahiro Endo (Osaka Prefectural University, Japan)
Jul. 16, 2015 15:28 English
- 14. Groundwater Quality in West Asia Region: Experiences of Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia
Asma Ali Abahussain (Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain)
Jul. 16, 2015 25:51 English
- 15. Development of Biwa-3D to Predict Water Quality in Lakes and Estuaries, and its Application for Other Lakes and Estuaries
Yosuke Yamashiki (Kyoto University - GSAIS, Japan)
Jul. 16, 2015 13:07 English
- 16. Spatial and Temporal Trends in Estimates of Nutrient and Suspended Sediment Loads in the Yangtze River, China, 1985 to 2010
Weili Duan (Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Jul. 16, 2015 18:46 English
- 17. New DNA Biosensors as Techniques for Rapid Determination of Water Borne Pathogens
Lee Yook Heng (University of Kebangsaan, Malaysia)
Jul. 16, 2015 14:10 English
- 18. Water Quality Assessment for Tracking Water Pollution to Enhance Urban Water Environments in Jakarta and Hanoi
Pingping Luo (Chinese Academy of Sciences and United Nations University - Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, Japan)
Jul. 16, 2015 17:34 English
- 19. Assessment for the Contributions of Urban and Forest Non-point Sources in River Water Quality
Duminda Perera (ICHARM under the auspices of UNESCO, and Public Works Research Institute, Japan)
Jul. 16, 2015 13:11 English
- 20. Water Quality Data and Indicators at the Global Level: The Role of UNEP/GEMStat
Philipp Saile (Federal Institute of Hydrology and United Nations Environment Programme-GEMS/ Water, Germany)
Jul. 16, 2015 22:01 English
- 21. Implementation of a National Framework for Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment in Brazil
Marcelo Costa (National Water Agency, Brazil)
Jul. 16, 2015 28:22 English
- 22. Application of Remote Sensing and Macro Invertebrates to Assess the Impact of Land Use Changes on and Status of Water Quality Parameters and River Health: A Case of the Orange River in Namibia
Richard Kimwaga (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
Jul. 16, 2015 21:01 English
- 23. Assessment of Surface Water Quality Using Environmetric Techniques: A Case Study of the Lower Songkhram River Basin, Thailand
Sangam Shrestha (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
Jul. 16, 2015 17:22 English
- Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing for Management of Toxic Chemicals in Watershed Area
Hiroshi Yamamoto (Tokushima University, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 26:20 English
- Evaluation of Suitability of Windhoek’s Wastewater Effluent for Re–use in Vegetable Irrigation: Case-Study of Gammams Effluent
Andreas Vushe (Jenna University, Germany, and Polytechnic, Namibia)
Jul. 17, 2015 20:26 English
- Policies and Regulatory Frameworks on Wastewater Management and Water Reuse in Japan
Ryuji Uematsu (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 17:52 English
- The Ecological Footprint of Industrial Water in Island Territories: Sustainability versus Resilience
Fátima Campos (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, Spain)
Jul. 17, 2015 10:31 English
- Monitoring Endocrine Disrupting Components (EDC) in Istanbul Wastewater Treatment Plants
Aslihan Kerç (Turkish Water Institute (SUEN), Turkey)
Jul. 17, 2015 26:13 English
- Long-Term Monitoring and Publicity Activities Successfully Reduced Levels of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) in Drinking Water in Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe Area in Japan
Akio Koizumi (Kyoto University - Graduate School of Medicine, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 17:53 English
- The Need of Changing the Wastewater Treatment and Monitoring Strategies to Prevent Chemical Pollution
Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro (Faculdade de Tecnologia, Brazil)
Jul. 17, 2015 15:45 English
- Antibiotic Resistance in the Urban Water Cycle: Origins, Fate and Risks
Celia Manaia (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal)
Jul. 17, 2015 17:20 English
- Estimating Radiocesium Flux from Catchment of Rivers to the Ocean by Using a Compartment Model
Adhiraga Pratama (Kyoto University – GSE, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 15:10 English
- Development of Framework in Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration by Excluding the Impact of Aquatic Plants in Lake Biwa Using Landsat-5 TM Data as part of Satellite, Computational, and Field Integrated Monitoring Systems
Yosuke Yamashiki (Kyoto University-GSAIS, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 10:22 English
- Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Using Satellite Remote Sensing
Hisashi Yamaguchi (JAXA, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 16:10 English
- Consequences of the Typhoon 18 (Sep. 2013) and Associated Runoff on Lake Biwa
Guillaume Auger (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 12:42 English
- Basin Scale Surface Water Quality Monitoring for the Largest Freshwater Lake in China
Bin He (Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Jul. 17, 2015 18:06 English
- Monitoring and Assessment of Governance Improvement in Integrated Lake Basin Management-ILBM
Masahisa Nakamura (Shiga University, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 16:52 English
- The Economics of Water Quality: Lessons from Water-Quality Training
Alluri Venkata Varma (Andhra University, India)
Jul. 17, 2015 12:34 English
- Development of National Lake Water Quality Standards for Sustainable Management of Lakes and Reservoirs in Malaysia
Zati Sharip (Malaysia Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia)
Jul. 17, 2015 17:32 English
- Exploring the Potential for Watershed Conservation for Enhancing Water Quantity and Quality: Upstream-Downstream Linkages
Makarius C.S. Lalika (Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania)
Jul. 17, 2015 14:54 English
- Awareness Creation and Capacity Building Initiatives through Drinking Water Quality Assessment in Communities for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals
Omogbemi O. Yaya (Regional Centre for Integrated River Basin Management, Nigeria)
Jul. 17, 2015 15:56 English
- Policy to Practice – A Case Study on the Cooperation on Water Quality Monitoring in the Lower Mekong River Basin
Kongmeng Ly (Mekong River Commission Secretariat, Laos)
Jul. 17, 2015 13:38 English
- Water Quality Monitoring Program and Activities in Myanmar
Khin Sein Kyi (Ministry of Transport, Myanmar)
Jul. 17, 2015 08:42 English
- Building a Resilient Society
Yoshiyuki Imamura (University of Yamaguchi, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 13:55 English
- Question & Answer
Jul. 17, 2015 12:20 English
- Panel discussion on conclusions and outcomes of the sessions: Introduction
Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (UNESCO - IHP)
Jul. 17, 2015 04:52 English
- Session: Ecological water quality monitoring of watershed
Hans W. Paerl (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States)
Jul. 17, 2015 07:41 English
- Session: Ensuring safe drinking water for the post-2015 sustainable development
Yosuke Yamashiki (Kyoto University-GSAIS, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 02:39 English
- Session: Monitoring groundwater quality and quantity
Maki Tsujimura (UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Groundwater Management and University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 02:06 English
- Session: Water quality indicators, data and reporting
Marcelo Costa (National Water Agency of Brazil, Brazil)
Jul. 17, 2015 03:26 English
- Session: Monitoring wastewater and reuse
Minoru Yoneda (Kyoto University - Graduate School of Engineering, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 02:44 English
- Session: Monitoring pollutants and radionuclides
Aslihan Kerç (Turkish Water Institute (SUEN), Turkey)
Jul. 17, 2015 03:09 English
- Session: Water quality monitoring using GIS and remote sensing
Hisashi Yamaguchi (Earth Observation Research Centre, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 02:28 English
- Session: Economic aspects of water quality monitoring
Dimiter Ialnazov (Kyoto University - GSAIS, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 03:52 English
- Session: Policy, institutional, capacity building and cultural aspects of water quality management
Ignacio Deregibus (UNESCO-IHP)
Jul. 17, 2015 04:17 English
- The way forward: Future directions and opportunities for collaboration
Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (UNESCO-IHP); Yosuke Yamashiki (Kyoto-University-GSAIS, Japan)
Jul. 17, 2015 16:00 English
- Closing address
Kaoru Takara (Chairperson at Japanese IHP National Committee for UNESCO, and Director, Disaster Prevention Research Institute)
Jul. 17, 2015 04:32 English
- Closing Address
Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO)
Jul. 17, 2015 07:54 English
- Opening Speech
- Prof. Junichi Yamagiwa (President, Kyoto University, Japan), 16 July, 2015
- Opening Speech
- Mr. Patrick Okafor (Deputy Permanent Delegate of Nigeria to UNESCO), 16 July, 2015
- Welcome address
- Prof. Shuichi Kawai (Dean, Kyoto University - GSAIS, Japan) , 16 July, 2015
- Opening Speech
- Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO), 16 July, 2015
- Scientific, Technological and Policy Innovations for Improved Water Quality Monitoring in the Post-2015 SDGs Framework
- Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO) and Yosuke Yamashiki (Kyoto University - GSAIS, Japan), Setting the scene, 16 July, 2015
- Year/Term
- 2015
- Date
- July 15th to July 17th, 2015
- Faculty/
Graduate School - Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)
- Language
- English
- Place
- Collabo Shiga, Otsu (15 July); International Exchange Hall 1, Clock Tower Centennial Building, Kyoto University (16 & 17 July)
- Note
- Website: http://www.unescokyotosympo2015.org/
15 July, 2015 @ Collabo Shiga 21, Otsu
Opening remarks
1 Masaaki Naito (Director, Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute (LBERI), Japan) Video
2 Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO) Video
3 Yosuke Yamashiki (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS), Kyoto University, Japan) Video
4 Kaoru Takara (Chairperson, Japanese IHP National Committee for UNESCO; Director, Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University) Video
Session: Ecological water quality monitoring of watershed
5 Monitoring and Mitigating a Global Proliferation of Toxic Cyanobacterial Blooms
Hans W. Paerl (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States) Video
6 Ecophysiology, Phytogeography and Environmental Sociology on Water Blooms of the Globally Distributed Cyanobacterium
Shinichi Nakano (Kyoto University – Centre for Ecological Research) Video
7 Ecological Regime Shift in South Basin of Lake Biwa: Focus on Algal Blooms and Submerged Macrophyte Overgrowth
Kanako Ishikawa (LBERI) Video
8 Toxic Threat in Asian Wetlands, a Message for the Wetlands Day 2015
Ahmad Mahdavi (University of Tehran, Iran) Video
9 Occurrence and Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Aquatic Environment of Ismailia Canal, Egypt
Hossam S. Jahin (National Water Research Centre, Egypt) Video
10 Question & Answer Video
16 July, 2015 @ International Exchange Hall 1, Clock Tower Centennial Building, Kyoto University
Opening Ceremony
Opening Speeches
1 Prof. Junichi Yamagiwa (President, Kyoto University, Japan) PDF
2 Mr Patrick Okafor (Deputy Permanent Delegate of Nigeria to UNESCO) –
3 Prof. Shuichi Kawai (Dean, Kyoto University – GSAIS, Japan) PDF
4 Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO) –
Setting the scene
5 Scientific, Technological and Policy Innovations for Improved Water Quality Monitoring in the Post-2015 SDGs Framework PDF
Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO)
Yosuke Yamashiki (Kyoto University – GSAIS, Japan)
Keynote speaker
6 The Grand Challenge of Nutrient Pollution in World’s Water Resources: Global Eutrophication and Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics
Hans W. Paerl (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States) –
Session: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development
7 Drilling Water Quality Used on the Campus of Abomey-Calavi in Benin
Emmanuel Lawin (Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Benin) Video
8 Water Quality Assessment in a Rural Setting; a Case-Study of Budaka District
Albert Rugumayo (Ndejje University, Uganda) Video
9 Water Resources Management Challenges and Problems in Burundi
Jean Marie Sabushimike (University of Burundi, Burundi) Video
10 Question & Answer Video
Commemorative lecture dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the International Hydrological Decade (IHD) and the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO
11 Invited Special Guest Speaker:
Connection between Japanese Official Development Assistance and International Organizations
Mr. Koichiro Matsuura (former Director-General of UNESCO, S.A.Professor, GSAIS, Kyoto University, Japan) Video
Session: Monitoring Groundwater Quality and Quantity
12 Importance of Groundwater / Surface Water Interaction in Quality and Quantity of Water Resources in Semi-arid Regions
Maki Tsujimura (UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Groundwater Management and University of Tsukuba, Japan) Video
13 Coping with Groundwater Contamination in Urban Areas – A Case Study of Hadano, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Takahiro Endo (Osaka Prefectural University, Japan) Video
14 Groundwater Quality in West Asia Region: Experiences of Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia
Asma Ali Abahussain (Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain) Video
Session: New and Innovative Methodologies and Tools for Water Quality Monitoring
15 Development of Biwa-3D to Predict Water Quality in Lakes and Estuaries, and its Application for Other Lakes and Estuaries
Yosuke Yamashiki (Kyoto University – GSAIS, Japan) Video
16 Spatial and Temporal Trends in Estimates of Nutrient and Suspended Sediment Loads in the Yangtze River, China, 1985 to 2010
Weili Duan (Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Video
17 New DNA Biosensors as Techniques for Rapid Determination of Water Borne Pathogens
Lee Yook Heng (University of Kebangsaan, Malaysia) Video
18 Water Quality Assessment for Tracking Water Pollution to Enhance Urban Water Environments in Jakarta and Hanoi
Pingping Luo (Chinese Academy of Sciences and United Nations University – Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, Japan) Video
19 Assessment for the Contributions of Urban and Forest Non-point Sources in River Water Quality
Duminda Perera (ICHARM under the auspices of UNESCO, and Public Works Research Institute, Japan) Video
Session: Water Quality Indicators, Data, and Reporting
20 Water Quality Data and Indicators at the Global Level: The Role of UNEP/GEMStat
Philipp Saile (Federal Institute of Hydrology and United Nations Environment Programme-GEMS/ Water, Germany) Video
21 Implementation of a National Framework for Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment in Brazil
Marcelo Costa (National Water Agency, Brazil) Video
22 Application of Remote Sensing and Macro Invertebrates to Assess the Impact of Land Use Changes on and Status of Water Quality Parameters and River Health: A Case of the Orange River in Namibia
Richard Kimwaga (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) Video
23 Assessment of Surface Water Quality Using Environmetric Techniques: A Case Study of the Lower Songkhram River Basin, Thailand
Sangam Shrestha (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand) Video
17 July, 2015 @ International Exchange Hall 1, Clock Tower Centennial Building, Kyoto University
Session: Monitoring Wastewater and Reuse
1 Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing for Management of Toxic Chemicals in Watershed Area
Hiroshi Yamamoto (Tokushima University, Japan) Video
2 Evaluation of Suitability of Windhoek’s Wastewater Effluent for Re–use in Vegetable Irrigation: Case-Study of Gammams Effluent
Andreas Vushe (Jenna University, Germany, and Polytechnic, Namibia) Video
3 Policies and Regulatory Frameworks on Wastewater Management and Water Reuse in Japan
Ryuji Uematsu (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan) Video
4 The Ecological Footprint of Industrial Water in Island Territories: Sustainability versus Resilience
Fátima Campos (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, Spain) Video
Session: Monitoring Emerging Pollutants and Radionuclides
5 Monitoring Endocrine Disrupting Components (EDC) in Istanbul Wastewater Treatment Plants
Aslihan Kerç (Turkish Water Institute (SUEN), Turkey) Video
6 Long-Term Monitoring and Publicity Activities Successfully Reduced Levels of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) in Drinking Water in Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe Area in Japan
Akio Koizumi (Kyoto University – Graduate School of Medicine, Japan) Video
7 The Need of Changing the Wastewater Treatment and Monitoring Strategies to Prevent Chemical Pollution
Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro (Faculdade de Tecnologia, Brazil) Video
8 Antibiotic Resistance in the Urban Water Cycle: Origins, Fate and Risks
Celia Manaia (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal) Video
9 Estimating Radiocesium Flux from Catchment of Rivers to the Ocean by Using a Compartment Model
Adhiraga Pratama (Kyoto University – GSE, Japan) Video
Session: Water Quality Monitoring using GIS and Remote Sensing
10 Development of Framework in Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration by Excluding the Impact of Aquatic Plants in Lake Biwa Using Landsat-5 TM Data as part of Satellite, Computational, and Field Integrated Monitoring Systems
Yosuke Yamashiki (Kyoto University-GSAIS, Japan) Video
11 Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Using Satellite Remote Sensing
Hisashi Yamaguchi (JAXA, Japan) Video
12 Consequences of the Typhoon 18 (Sep. 2013) and Associated Runoff on Lake Biwa
Guillaume Auger (Ritsumeikan University, Japan) Video
13 Basin Scale Surface Water Quality Monitoring for the Largest Freshwater Lake in China
Bin He (Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Video
Session: Economic Aspects of Water Quality Monitoring
14 Monitoring and Assessment of Governance Improvement in Integrated Lake Basin Management-ILBM
Masahisa Nakamura (Shiga University, Japan) Video
15 The Economics of Water Quality: Lessons from Water-Quality Training
Alluri Venkata Varma (Andhra University, India) Video
16 Development of National Lake Water Quality Standards for Sustainable Management of Lakes and Reservoirs in Malaysia
Zati Sharip (Malaysia Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia) Video
17 Exploring the Potential for Watershed Conservation for Enhancing Water Quantity and Quality: Upstream-Downstream Linkages
Makarius C.S. Lalika (Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania) Video
Session: Policy, Institutional, Capacity Building and Cultural Aspects of Water Quality Management
18 Awareness Creation and Capacity Building Initiatives through Drinking Water Quality Assessment in Communities for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals
Omogbemi O. Yaya (Regional Centre for Integrated River Basin Management, Nigeria) Video
19 Policy to Practice – A Case Study on the Cooperation on Water Quality Monitoring in the Lower Mekong River Basin
Kongmeng Ly (Mekong River Commission Secretariat, Laos) Video
20 Water Quality Monitoring Program and Activities in Myanmar
Khin Sein Kyi (Ministry of Transport, Myanmar) Video21 Building a Resilient Society
Yoshiyuki Imamura (University of Yamaguchi, Japan) Video
22 Question & Answer Video
Closing ceremony
Panel discussion on conclusions and outcomes of the sessions
23 Introduction
Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (UNESCO – IHP) Video
24 Session: Ecological water quality monitoring of watershed
Hans W. Paerl (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States) Video
25 Session: Ensuring safe drinking water for the post-2015 sustainable development
Yosuke Yamashiki (Kyoto University-GSAIS, Japan) Video
26 Session: Monitoring groundwater quality and quantity
Maki Tsujimura (UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Groundwater Management and University of Tsukuba, Japan) Video
27 Session: Water quality indicators, data and reporting
Marcelo Costa (National Water Agency of Brazil, Brazil) Video
28 Session: Monitoring wastewater and reuse
Minoru Yoneda (Kyoto University – Graduate School of Engineering, Japan) Video
29 Session: Monitoring pollutants and radionuclides
Aslihan Kerç (Turkish Water Institute (SUEN), Turkey) Video
30 Session: Water quality monitoring using GIS and remote sensing
Hisashi Yamaguchi (Earth Observation Research Centre, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan) Video
31 Session: Economic aspects of water quality monitoring
Dimiter Ialnazov (Kyoto University – GSAIS, Japan) Video
32 Session: Policy, institutional, capacity building and cultural aspects of water quality management
Ignacio Deregibus (UNESCO-IHP) Video
The way forward: Future directions and opportunities for collaboration
33 Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (UNESCO-IHP)
Yosuke Yamashiki (Kyoto-University-GSAIS, Japan) Video
Closing addresses
34 Kaoru Takara (Chairperson at Japanese IHP National Committee for UNESCO, and Director, Disaster Prevention Research Institute) Video
35 Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa (International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO) Video
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