The 12th Kyoto University International Symposium (KUIS-12) “Transforming Racial Images: Analyses of Representations”
Special Presentation TOSA Naoko (Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies)
- Welcome Address
MATSUMOTO Hiroshi (President, Kyoto University)
Dec. 06, 2008 11:22 Japanese
- Welcome Address
KIN Bunkyou (Director, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University)
Dec. 06, 2008 04:18 Japanese
- Introduction
TAKEZAWA Yasuko (Kyoto University)
Dec. 06, 2008 11:41 Japanese
- Keynote Lecture 1 “Stereotype, Representation and the Question of the Real: Some Methodological Proposals”
Ella SHOHAT (New York University)
Dec. 06, 2008 29:54 English
- Marking Signifiers of an ‘Invisible Race: Reflections on the Film Versions of ‘The River with No Bridge’
KUROKAWA Midori (Shizuoka University)
Dec. 06, 2008 30:41 Japanese
- ‘Changing Faces’: Colonial Rule in Korea and Ethnic Characterizations
LEE Sung-Yup (Kyoto University)
Dec. 06, 2008 31:07 Japanese
- Blood, Land and Conversion: ‘Chinese’ Mestizoness and the Politics of Belonging in Post-Independence Philippines
Caroline HAU (Kyoto University)
Dec. 06, 2008 20:17 English
- Talk Relay by Junior Researchers at Kyoto University: Rethinking Difference
YAMAMOTO Shinya (Doctoral Student, Primate Research Institute)
Dec. 06, 2008 04:32 Japanese
- Talk Relay by Junior Researchers at Kyoto University: Rethinking Difference
HIGASHIJIMA Jin (Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Biostudies)
Dec. 06, 2020 04:09 Japanese
- Talk Relay by Junior Researchers at Kyoto University: Rethinking Difference
ODA Yuichi (Master’s Student, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies)
Dec. 06, 2008 06:05 Japanese
- Talk Relay by Junior Researchers at Kyoto University: Rethinking Difference
Ernani ODA (Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Letters)
Dec. 06, 2008 04:40 English
- Talk Relay by Junior Researchers at Kyoto University: Rethinking Difference
KOTANI Sachiko (Postdoctoral Part-Time Researcher, Institute for Research in Humanities)
Dec. 06, 2008 05:02 Japanese
- Special Presentation
TOSA Naoko (Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies)
Dec. 06, 2008 08:56 Japanese
- Welcome Address
YOKOYAMA Toshio (Vice President, Kyoto University)
Dec. 06, 2008 08:19 English
- Racial Science in Japan: Mixed-Blood, Adaptability and Scientific Racism
SAKANO Toru (Nihon University)
Dec. 06, 2008 30:01 Japanese
- Race and Ethnicity in Human Genome Research
KATO Kazuto (Kyoto University)
Dec. 06, 2008 28:11 Japanese
- How to Define a Population: Cultural Politics and Population Genetics in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC)
Margaret SLEEBOOM-FAULKNER (University of Sussex)
Dec. 06, 2008 24:10 English
- Keynote Lecture 2 “Human Genetics and Human Taxonomies: Fluidity, Continuity and Transformations”
Troy DUSTER (University of California Berkeley/ New York University)
Dec. 06, 2008 41:33 English
- From ‘Black’ to ‘Afro-Descendant’: Representational Strategies of Venezuelan Racial/Ethnic Social Movements
ISHIBASHI Jun (University of Tokyo)
Dec. 06, 2008 28:44 Japanese
- New Resistance, New Arts: Young Asian American Artists and Their Identities in the Post-Multicultural Era
TAKEZAWA Yasuko (Kyoto University)
Dec. 06, 2008 28:21 Japanese
- Reconstructing the Representations of ‘Black’ Athletes in the Context of the Recent ‘Nature’
KAWASHIMA Kohei (Musashi University)
Dec. 06, 2008 28:12 Japanese
- Discussion
John RUSSELL (Gifu University)
Dec. 06, 2008 10:25 English
- Discussion
MATSUDA Motoji (Kyoto University)
Dec. 06, 2008 14:17 Japanese
- Discussion
BABA Hisao (National Museum of Nature and Science)
Dec. 06, 2008 09:12 Japanese
- Discussion (in Japanese and English)
Dec. 06, 2008 1:35:38 Japanese, English
- Year/Term
- 2008
- Date
- December 5th to December 6th, 2008
- Faculty/
Graduate School - Institute for Research in Humanities
- Language
- Japanese, English
- Place
- Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall
Friday, December 5, 2008
Welcome Address
1 MATSUMOTO Hiroshi (President, Kyoto University) [Japanese] VIDEO
2 KIN Bunkyou (Director, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University) [Japanese] VIDEO
3 TAKEZAWA Yasuko (Kyoto University) [Japanese] VIDEO
Keynote Lecture 1
4 Ella SHOHAT (New York University)
“Stereotype, Representation and the Question of the Real: Some Methodological Proposals” [English] VIDEO
Part I: Approaching Racial Representation from Asia
5 KUROKAWA Midori (Shizuoka University)
“Marking Signifiers of an ‘Invisible Race: Reflections on the Film Versions of ‘The River with No Bridge’” [Japanese] VIDEO
6 LEE Sung-Yup (Kyoto University)
“‘Changing Faces’: Colonial Rule in Korea and Ethnic Characterizations” [Japanese] VIDEO
7 Caroline HAU (Kyoto University)
“Blood, Land and Conversion: ‘Chinese’ Mestizoness and the Politics of Belonging in Post-Independence Philippines” [English] VIDEO
Talk Relay by Junior Researchers at Kyoto University: Rethinking Difference
8 YAMAMOTO Shinya (Doctoral Student, Primate Research Institute) [Japanese] VIDEO
9 HIGASHIJIMA Jin (Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Biostudies) [Japanese] VIDEO
10 ODA Yuichi (Master’s Student, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies) [Japanese] VIDEO
11 Ernani ODA (Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Letters) [English] VIDEO
12 KOTANI Sachiko (Postdoctoral Part-Time Researcher, Institute for Research in Humanities) [Japanese] VIDEO
Special Presentation
13 TOSA Naoko (Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies) [Japanese] VIDEO
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Welcome Address
1 YOKOYAMA Toshio (Vice President, Kyoto University) [English] VIDEO
Part II: Linking Science and Society
2 SAKANO Toru (Nihon University)
“Racial Science in Japan: Mixed-Blood, Adaptability and Scientific Racism” [Japanese] VIDEO
3 KATO Kazuto (Kyoto University)
“Race and Ethnicity in Human Genome Research” [Japanese] VIDEO
4 Margaret SLEEBOOM-FAULKNER (University of Sussex)
“How to Define a Population: Cultural Politics and Population Genetics in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC)” [English] VIDEO
Keynote Lecture 2
5 Troy DUSTER (University of California Berkeley/ New York University)
“Human Genetics and Human Taxonomies: Fluidity, Continuity and Transformations” [English] VIDEO
Part III: Creating Counter-Representations
6 ISHIBASHI Jun (University of Tokyo)
“From ‘Black’ to ‘Afro-Descendant’: Representational Strategies of Venezuelan Racial/Ethnic Social Movements” [Japanese] VIDEO
7 TAKEZAWA Yasuko (Kyoto University)
“New Resistance, New Arts: Young Asian American Artists and Their Identities in the Post-Multicultural Era” [Japanese] VIDEO
8 KAWASHIMA Kohei (Musashi University)
“Reconstructing the Representations of ‘Black’ Athletes in the Context of the Recent ‘Nature'” [Japanese] VIDEO
9 John RUSSELL (Gifu University) [English] VIDEO
10 MATSUDA Motoji (Kyoto University) [Japanese] VIDEO
11 BABA Hisao (National Museum of Nature and Science) [Japanese] VIDEO
12 Discussion [Japanese & English] VIDEO