Advancement of Higher Education in the Network Age

Report 2 “Creating Faculty Development Networks thorough the Visualization and Sharing of Practices in Higher Education” Hiroyuki Sakai (Kyoto University)


January 27th, 2013
Graduate School
Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education
Instructor name
Nobuyoshi Esaki(Director, Kyoto University)
Hiroshi Matsuzaka(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan)
Yusaku Otsuka(Kyoto University)
Randy Bass(Georgetown University)
Toru Iiyoshi(Kyoto University)
Elizabeth Barkley(Foothill Colleg)
Mana Taguchi(Kyoto University)
Hiroyuki Sakai(Kyoto University)
Kayo Matsushita(Kyoto University)
Shinichi Mizokami(Kyoto University)

Guest’s Address / Opening Address
1 Guest’s Address 1
Nobuyoshi Esaki (Kyoto University)

2 Guest’s Address 2
Hiroshi Matsuzaka (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan)

3 Opening Address
“Creating FD Networks: Past and Future – Building the Core in Mutual Faculty Development 2008-2012 -”
Yusaku Otsuka (Kyoto University)

Part 1
4 Keynote Speech 1
“Designing for Innovation: Teaching, Learning and the Culture of the University”
Randy Bass (Georgetown University)

5 Posing a Problem
“Challenges and Possibilities in Japan’s Higher Education: In Comparison with the United States”
Toru Iiyoshi (Kyoto University) Video

Part 2
6 Keynote Speech 2
“Terms of Engagement: Understanding and Promoting Student Engagement in Today’s College Classroom”
Elizabeth Barkley (Foothill College)

7 Report 1
“Creating the Culture for Improving Education – Referring to Pre-FD project of Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University”
Mana Taguchi (Kyoto University) Video

8 Report 2
“Creating Faculty Development Networks thorough the Visualization and Sharing of Practices in Higher Education”
Hiroyuki Sakai (Kyoto University)

9 Report 3
“Learning Assessment as a Learning Tool: Two Cases of Faculty-Designed Performance Assessment”
Kayo Matsushita (Kyoto University)

10 Report 4
“The Summary of the Research and Practice of the Student’s Learning and Development”
Shinichi Mizokami (Kyoto University)

11 Discussion

Closing Address
12 Yusaku Otsuka