What is Life? The Next 100 Years of Yukawa’s Dream
Life as a Gnarly Computation Rudy Rucker (San Jose State University)
- Opening Address
Masatoshi Murase (Kyoto University)
Oct. 20, 2007 17:03 English
- Historical Reasoning and Abductive Inference in Phylogenic Reconstruction
Nobuhiro Minaka (NIAES)
Oct. 20, 2007 40:55 English
- Sorting of Polar Filaments by Multiple Motor Action
Alex Mogilner (U.C. DAVIS)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:02:21 English
- Single Molecule Studyfor Elucidatingthe Mechanism Involved in Utilizing Fluctuations by Biosystems
Toshio Yanagida (Osaka University)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:07:36 English
- What is Bioinformation?
Luciano Floridi (Oxford University)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:02:46 English
- A Few Problems on Functional Self-Organization in Brain
Seunghwan Kim (APCTP)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:00:57 English
- Biological Clocks in the Life and Its Clinical Use
Kuniaki Otsuka (Tokyo Women's Medical University)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:02:04 English
- Consistency Principe in Biological Dynamical System: Plasticity, Robustness and Genotype-Phenotype Relationship
Kunihiko Kaneko (University of Tokyo)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:04:21 English
- Life as a Gnarly Computation
Rudy Rucker (San Jose State University)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:02:50 English
- Network Perspective in Bioinformatics
Susumu Goto (Kyoto University)
Oct. 20, 2007 41:19 English
- Life’s Waves in Space-Time in and around us
Franz Halberg (University of Minesota)
Oct. 20, 2007 56:19 English
- Plasticity of the Brain: for Good and Bad
Aage R. Moller (University of Texas)
Oct. 20, 2007 58:01 English
- Self-Assembly Process in Prebiotic Environment
David Deamer (U.C. Santa Cruz)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:02:05 English
- Why and How we Age, and Is that Process Modifiable?
Robert Arking (Wayne State University)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:02:55 English
- The Necessity of Consciousness. Why Human Zombies Would Be an Evolutionary Dead End.
Nicholas Humphrey (London University)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:15:21 English
- The Central Neural Foundations of Awareness and Self-awareness
Donald W. Pfaff (Rockefeller University)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:02:14 English
- Computing of Japanese Culture
Naoko Tosa (Kyoto University)
Oct. 20, 2007 1:00:11 English
- The modification of biocellular chemical reactions by physicochemical stimulants in the environment
Masami Ishido (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
Oct. 20, 2007 41:04 English
- The mammalian brain in the electromagnetic fields designed by man.
Leif G. Solford (Lund University)
Oct. 20, 2007 59:28 English
- What is Life?
- Masatoshi Murase
- Nobuhiro Minaka
- Alex Mogilner
- Toshio Yanagida
- Luciano Floridi
- Raphael Pinaud
- Weunghwan Kim
- Kuniaki Otsuka 1/5
- Kuniaki Otsuka 2/5
- Kuniaki Otsuka 3/5
- Kuniaki Otsuka 4/5
- Kuniaki Otsuka 5/5
- Kunihiko Kaneko
- Hiroyuki Takeda
- John Evans
- Mitsuhiko Shionoya
- Rudy Rucker
- Susumu Goto
- Kiyoshi Miyagawa
- Franz Halberg
- Aage R. Moller
- David Deamer
- Robert Arking
- Musashi Tachikawa
- Junji Takabayashi
- Nicholas Humphrey
- Donald W. Pfaff
- Masami Ishido
- Leif G. Solford
- Year/Term
- 2007
- Date
- October 15th to October 20th, 2007
- Faculty/
Graduate School - Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies
- Language
- English
- Place
- CO-OP Inn Kyoto Conference Hall
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