Generic vanishing and the birational geometry of irregular varieties
Lecture 2 Christopher HACON
Course Description
In these lectures we will survey the generic vanishing results of Green, Lazarfeld, Hacon, Popa, Pareschi and others and discuss their applications to the study of the birational geometry of irregular varieties i.e. smooth projective varieties such that \(H^0(\Omega^1_X) \neq 0 \). In particular we will discuss results concerning the cohomological characterization of abelian varieties, the singularities of divisors on abelian varieties, the pluricanonical maps of irregular varieties and a recent result of Cao-Paun which proves the Iitaka conjecture for fiber spaces \(f:X \to Y \) where \(Y\) is a variety of maximal Albanese dimension (eg. an abelian variety).
- 年度・期
- 2016年度・前期集中
- 開催日
- 2016年6月17日 から 7月01日
- 開講部局名
- 理学研究科
- 使用言語
- 英語
- 教員/講師名
- Christopher HACON(Distinguished Visiting Professor, Kyoto University / Distinguished Professor, University of Utah)
- 開催場所
- Room 127, Graduate School of Science Bldg No 3