Philosophy of Mind: East & West

Numbering Code G-LAS10 80013 LE46 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Graduate students Target Student For all majors
Language English Day/Period Tue.1
Instructor name DEROCHE,Marc-Henri Jean (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 本講義では「心」という概念を通して、哲学的な自己の知の探究という根本的なテーマについて考察する。特に、「四念処」 (four ways of establishing mindfulness) で表される仏教における自己の知の探究法に注目する。西洋と東洋の交点に立ち、英語に翻訳された仏語を検証し、哲学的な理解を促すことで、「マインドフルネスの仏教哲学」の可能性を考察する。
四念処は、特に『念処経』 (巴語:『SatipaTThAna-sutta』) に記述され (Analayo 2003)、人間の認識経験を4つに分析する:1.「身」呼吸を含めた身体、2.「覺」/「受」苦と楽 、3.「心」貪欲・瞋恚など 、4.「法」現象のあり方 。この概念は「正念正知」 (巴語:sati-sampajaJJa, 英訳 : mindfulness and awareness) という能力を中心とし、自己の知の獲得を可能にする。近年、このモデルをもとにした、ウェルビーイングを目的とした世俗的・科学的な介入研究、およびマインドフルネスプログラムが開発されている (Feldman and Kuyken 2019)。本講義は、文化横断的な、さらには仏教学、心の哲学、哲学的心理学、医療人類学の分野横断的な視点からマインドフルネスの哲学的基礎を学ぶ。さらに、現代の科学的なマインドフルネスプログラムの基礎の演習も行う。注意散漫の解毒剤としてマインドフルネスを検討することで、デジタル社会における注意力の鍛え方の考察も行う。
In this class, we will examine the philosophical quest of self-knowledge by investigating the notions of the “mind/heart” (kokoro 心 in Japanese). Especially, we will focus on the Buddhist approach to self-knowledge according to the “four ways of establishing mindfulness.” At the crossroads of East and West, translating Buddhist terms into English, and trying to make philosophical sense of them, we will thus explore the sources and potentialities of a hybrid “Buddhist philosophy of mindfulness.”
The Buddhist model of the “four ways of establishing mindfulness” is found in particular in the SatipaTThAna-sutta (Analayo 2003) and analyzes conscious experience into four aspects: (1) body (including breath), (2) affectivity (pleasure and pain), (3) mind (desire and aversion, etc.), and (4) phenomena. It is centered on “mindfulness and awareness” (PAli: sati-sampajaJJa; Chin. 正念正知) that are the core faculties making self-knowledge practically possible. In our contemporary societies, this ancient model has been the source of innovative, secular and scientific “mindfulness-based interventions” (Feldman and Kuyken 2019) intended to improve wellbeing. This class will offer the philosophical foundations in the academic study of mindfulness according to a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach combining Buddhist studies, philosophy of mind, philosophical psychology, and medical anthropology. The class will introduce as well the basic practices of scientific mindfulness-based interventions. Mindfulness, defined as “non-distraction,” will also serve to reconsider critically how to orient attention in the digital age.
Following the threefold wisdom pedagogy of “study, reflection and practice” at Shishu-Kan, each class will include a lecture, moments for open discussion and critical self-reflection, as well as practical exercises of mindfulness. The classes are conducted in the supportive environment of Tachibana-kaikan, a Japanese-style building with garden, deeply fostering the learning experience.
Course Goals 「聞・思・修」に即し、本講義の目標は
(2)修: 科学的なマインドフルネスプログラムの基礎を身に着ける。
In terms of study, reflection, and practice, the objectives of this class are:
(1) Study and reflection: to acquire the philosophical foundations of the academic study of mindfulness according to a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach;
(2) Practice: to become familiar with the basic exercises of scientific mindfulness-based interventions.
Schedule and Contents 第一回 イントロダクション
第二回 東洋と西洋における「知への愛」(philosophia):聞・思・修
The “love of wisdom” (philosophia) in East and West: study, reflection, and practice
第三回 仏教心理学における「正念正知」
Mindfulness and awareness in Buddhist psychology
第四回 注意とケアの倫理学
Ethics of attention and care
第五回 心身医学の哲学
Philosophy of mind-body medicine
第六回 仏教認知科学における直観と概念的思考
Conceptual thinking and direct perception in Buddhist epistemology
第七回 フロー:今この瞬間に集中する
Flow: focusing on the present moment
第八回 「身念処」:注意を安定させる
Mindfulness of the body: centering attention
第九回 入出息念:「生活世界」に立ち返る
Mindfulness of breathing: coming back to the “life-world”
第十回 「覺念処」:主観の核
Mindfulness of affectivity: the heart of subjectivity
第十一回 「心念処」:自分の心構えを観察する
Mindfulness of the mind: observing one’s attitude
第十二回 エモーショナルインテリジェンス:慈・悲・喜・平静
Emotional intelligence: love, compassion, joy, and equanimity
第十三回 「法念処」:幻影と真実の区別
Mindfulness of phenomena: discerning appearances and reality
第十四回 デジタル社会における注意散漫とその解毒剤
Distraction and its antidote in the digital age
第十五回 結びとフィードバック
Conclusion and feedback session
Evaluation Methods and Policy 参加度、および授業内容の要約と個人的なリフレクションを含めたレポート。Evaluation is made according to active participation and a final report (including a personal summary of the content of the class and an essay).
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 指定した論文や本の講読とレポート。
Required elements include reading assignments and report writing.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 印刷資料を配布する。
References, etc. SatipaTThAna: The Direct Path to Realization, Analayo, (Windhorse, 2003), ISBN:1899579540
Mindfulness. Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Psychology, Christina Feldman and Willem Kuyken, (Guilford Press, 2019), ISBN:978-1462540105
What is Ancient Philosophy?, Hadot, P. (Translated from the French by Michael Chase), (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1995)
Mindful wisdom: The path integrating memory, judgment, and attention, Marc-Henri Deroche, (Asian Philosophy, 2021),