Methods of Genome and Omics Analysis II

Numbering Code G-MED41 8S014 LE87 Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Seminar
Target Year Doctoral students Target Student
Language English Day/Period Intensive
Instructor name YAMADA RYO (Graduate School of Medicine Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course February 3th 16:30-18:00 Special class hour. Every participant will be assigned to report in classes TWO
weeks later.
2 February 21th 8:45-10:15
3 February 21th 10:30-12:00
4 February 21th 13:00-14:30
5 February 21th 14:45-16:15
6 February 21th 16:30-18:00
7 February 22th 8:45-10:15
8 February 22th 10:30-12:00
9 February 22th 13:00-14:30
10 February 22th 14:45-16:15
11 February 22th 16:30-18:00
12 February 23th 8:45-10:15
13 February 23th 10:30-12:00
14 February 23th 13:00-14:30
15 February 23th 14:45-16:15
16 February 23th 16:30-18:00 Spare  

In this class, the participants are to learn how to read the latest genomic-omix article and its statistical
analysis methodology. Also, in order to ensure understanding of the method, simulation of a data set suitable
for the method will be learned. It focuses on the theoretical features of the technique and the generalizable
The first paper for this term will be .
Course Goals The participants will acquire skills to understand by themselves the data analysis methods used in the
genomic and omix field papers in the field of medical science and life sciences.
Schedule and Contents For each paper, you will spend several lecture hours learning how to understand the techniques, understand
the related matters of the techniques, and learn how to handle the datasets handled by the techniques.
The paper assumes two forms: one is an organizer-designated paper and the other is selected by the student.
In principle, self-study of statistical techniques and algorithms, and discussions to confirm the understanding
of such methods are the main activities of lecture time.

The papers in the class will be ones on NGS, single cell analysis or omics analyses. They will be announced
through KULASIS/PandA to the registrants
Evaluation Methods and Policy In-class activities, homeworks and the exam at the end of the term will be evaluated for the credit.
Course Requirements Knowledge of molecular biology is a prerequisite.
It assumes an basic knowledge of genomic and omics experimental techniques.
Bring a laptop personal computer with wifi. Knowledge of the programming language R is not required, but a
beginner is required to learn it by itself. It is desirable to take both the first and second semester classes, but it
is not essential.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Homeworks will be assigned.
References, etc. Instructions will be offered as needed.