Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience

Numbering Code G-GAIS00 62013 LE30
G-GAIS00 62013 LE46
G-GAIS00 62013 LE63
Year/Term 2022 ・ Second semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type
Target Year From 1st to 3rd year students Target Student
Language English Day/Period Tue.1
Instructor name SEKIYAMA KAORU (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course This course introduces objective/empirical methods for understanding human mind (or cognition), by using psychological behavioral data together with brain activity data in cognitive neuroscience. To do so, we will examine several phenomena such as recognition of one’s own body, speech perception by face and voice, and working memory. In the examination, we will see connection between cognition and action (or body), and its plasticity as well as developmental and aging-related changes.
Course Goals -Understand the objective/empirical methods to investigate cognitive function
-Understand the plastic and developmental aspects of mind, which is useful to deal with people in different ages and backgrounds
Schedule and Contents 1. Adaptive mind: Seeing and brain function
2. Experimenting body recognition (1)
3. Experimenting body recognition (2)
4. Body schema and its development
5. Development of brain and cognition
6. On experiments with reversing prisms
7. Brain imaging of cognition
8. Hearing sound and speech
9. Auditory-visual (AV) speech perception
10. Neural basis of interlanguage differences in AV speech perception
11. Processes of memory
12. Memory and brain
13. Cognitive aging
14. Lifestyles to protect our brain from aging
15. Summary and final remarks
(The contents is subject to change.)
Evaluation Methods and Policy Evaluated by class participation (20%) and midterm (40%) and final (40%) reports.
Course Requirements Previous experience of basic psychological methods is desirable but not required.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Expected to read introduced literature in advance and related literatures afterwards.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Handout will be given.
References, etc. Audiovisual Speech Processing, Bailly, G., Perrier, P., and Vatikiotis-Bateson, E. (Eds.)(2012), (Cambridge University Press)
Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging, Cabeza, R., Nyberg, L., and Park, D.C. (Eds.) (2016), (Oxford University Press)
脳単―語源から覚える解剖学英単語集 (脳・神経編), 原島広至 (著), 河合良訓 (監修)(2005), (エヌ・ティー・エス)
Principles of Neural Science, Fifth Edition., Kandel, E., Schwartz, J.,Jessell, T., Siegelbaum, S., and Hudspeth, A.J. (Eds.)(2012), (McGraw-Hill Professional)
カンデル神経科学, 金澤一郎, 宮下保司 (監訳)(2014), (メディカルサイエンスインターナショナル), Kandel etal (2012)の邦訳
Biopsychology, 9th Edition. London: Pearson, Pinel, John P.J. (2014)
ピネル バイオサイコロジー:脳 心と行動の神経科学, 佐藤敬, 若林孝一, 泉井亮, 飛鳥井望 (訳), (西村書店), Pinel (2014)の邦訳
認知心理学の新展開, 川崎恵理子(編), (ナカニシヤ出版), 積山 薫(2012)「音声知覚における多感覚情報の統合」Pp. 3-22
身体と空間の表象, 横澤一彦, 積山 薫, 西村聡生 (2020), (勁草書房)
こころが育つ環境をつくる―発達心理学からの提言, 子安増生・仲真紀子(編), (新曜社), 積山 薫 (2014) 超高齢社会の基盤を強くする教育アプローチ Pp.213-234.