Economic Analysis of Disaster Risk Management

Numbering Code G-GES32 64009 LE77 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Master's students Target Student
Language English Day/Period Wed.4
Instructor name TATANO HIROKAZU (Disaster Prevention Research Institute Professor)
SAMADDAR,Subhajyoti (Disaster Prevention Research Institute Associate Professor)
FUJIMI TOSHIO (Disaster Prevention Research Institute Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 災害は低頻度ではあるが大規模な影響をもたらすリスク事象である。この種のリスクを適切に管理していくためには、リスクの「抑止」、「軽減」、「移転」、「保有」という対策を総合的に計画し、実施していくことが重要である。本講では、災害を理解し、それに対するリスクマネジメントを構成していくことを可能とするような経済学的方法に関して講述する。
A natural disaster is a low-frequent and high-impact risk event. It is very important to make an integrated risk management plan, which consists of various countermeasures, e.g., prevention, mitigation, transfer, and preparedness. In this class, economic approaches for understanding features of natural disaster risk and designing appropriate countermeasures of integrated disaster risk management.
Course Goals 災害リスクマネジメントに関する基本的事項を理解する。災害がもたらす社会・経済的影響とその計量化方法について理解する。学んだ内容と現実の防災・減災施策との関連について説明できる能力を身に着ける。
Students are expected to understand the basic principles of disaster risk management. They also learn how the socio-economic impact of disasters is brought about to the society and is propagated through an economic system. Qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze economic impacts are to be understood. The final goal of the class is for students to have the ability to discuss disaster risk management policies based on disaster economics learned at this class.
Schedule and Contents 第1回:Introduction and Explanation of Course Outline(Tatano)
第2回:Disaster Risk Management: Issues and Ideas(Tatano)
第3回:Bayse theorem(Fujimi)
第4回:Decision Making under Uncertainty: Expected Utility Theory(Fujimi)
第5回:Risk Perception Bias and Importance of Land-use Regulations (Tatano)
第6回:Shor-term and Long-term Economic Impacts of Anti-Disaster Mitigation(Tatano)
第7回:Measuring Economic Impact of a Disaster(Tatano)
第8回:Economic Valuation of Catastrophic Risk (Tatano)
第9回:Disaster Risk Finance I(Fujimi)
第10回:Disaster Risk Finance II(Fujimi)
第11回:Disaster Risk Communication: Approaches and Practical Challenges(Samaddar)
第12回:Community Based Disaster Risk Management: Methods, Tools, Techniques and Future Challenges(Samaddar)
第13回:Disaster Risk Governance and Implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies(Samaddar)
第14回:Discussion on "Toward MORE Integrated DRM": Presentations by Students
((Tatano & Samaddar)
第15回:Reflection of the classes

Check the information on KULASIS and PandA as lessons might be held online.
Evaluation Methods and Policy 出席状況20%(授業時の発表10%、出席状況や宿題の提出状況など10%)と期末レポート80%により評価.
Evaluate mainly by the presentations in the class (10%) as well as the end-of-term report (80%), taking active and constructive participation in the class including assignments (10%) into account.

Achievement level is assessed by GSGES's criteria.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Webを通じてプリントを配布するので、講義の前に必ず読んでくること。
Handouts are available on the web. Students should read them before class.
Students are always requested to investigate for real-world disaster risk management policies which relate to the contents learned at the class.
Students should have enough time to review the contents after the class.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Webを通じてプリントを配布するので、講義の前に必ず読んでくること
Handouts are available on the web. Students should read them before the class.
References, etc. Modeling Spatial and Economic Impacts of Disasters, Okuyama, Y., and Chang, S.T.,(eds.), ((Advances in Spatial Science), Springer, 2004)
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