Greening Chemistry and Industry

Numbering Code G-GES32 63687 LJ16 Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, First semester
Number of Credits 1 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Master's students Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Intensive
Instructor name MATSUDA TOMONARI (Graduate School of Engineering Associate Professor)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 化学物質の適正管理は、地球環境を保全するうえで最も基本的な重要事項であり、将来地球環境問題に取り組む学生は、化学物質管理に関する国際的な枠組みを理解する必要がある。そこで本講義では、毒性学と化学物質管理の基本について解説する。

Sound management of chemicals is one of the most significant global environmental issues. Students who will be concerned with the issue should understand the international frameworks for chemical safety management. In this course, the fundamentals of toxicology and chemical management will be discussed.
Course Goals 本講義の到達目標は、化学物質管理に関する各種文書を読んできちんと理解できるようになることである。そのために必要な、基本的考え方や専門用語の解説に重点を置く。

A goal of this course is to master the sufficient knowledge for understanding various documents concerning chemical management. To help this aim, the basic concepts and the essential technical terms will be explained.
Schedule and Contents 1.化学物質の環境中運命


1. The environmental fates of chemicals
2. Essentials of toxicology
3. Biological effects of ionizing radiation and UV light
4. Heavy metals: toxicity and regulation
5. POPs: toxicity and regulation
6. Chemical safety management in Japan
7-8. International frameworks for chemical safety management

Check the information on KULASIS and PandA as lessons might be held online.
Evaluation Methods and Policy レポート 50%、 聴講態度および議論 50%
report 50%, lecture attitude and discussions 50%

Achievement level is assessed by GSGES's criteria.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 予習として以下の3つについてネット検索してざっと目を通しておくこと。
For preparation of this class, do web-search and glance over the following three words

1.化学物質安全性データシート(MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheet)
2.アジェンダ21第19章 (Agenda21 Chapter 19)
3.化学物質の安全性に関する国際プログラム(IPCS:International Program on Chemical Safety)
Textbooks Textbooks/References プリント配布
Handouts will be distributed
References, etc. 地球環境学のすすめ, , (丸善)