Mechanism design

Numbering Code G-ECON31 6A648 LJ43 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese Day/Period Wed.2
Instructor name KAZUMURA TOMOYA (Graduate School of Economics Senior Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course ミクロ経済学に一分野であるメカニズムデザインについて学ぶ.本講義では特に,マッチング問題や非分割財の配分問題に焦点を当てる.まずはこれらの分野の基礎的な内容を学び,そのあとは最新の研究のいくつかのトピックについて学ぶ.
Course Goals マッチング・非分割財配分問題に関する基礎的な内容を理解する.それにより最新の論文を読むための基礎知識を身につける.また,最新の研究の流れを理解し,自身の研究に発展させることを目標とする.
Schedule and Contents 講義の前半ではマッチング問題,非分割財配分問題の基礎的な内容の説明を行う.後半では発展的な内容として,制約つきマッチング問題や臓器交換問題などの最新研究を解説する.各トピックの講義数および扱う参考書・論文は以下の通りである.ただし,後半に扱う内容は前半の講義の進み具合や受講者の関心などに応じて適宜変更する.


Roth, A. E. and M. Sotomayor (1990), Two-sided matching: A study in game-theoretic modeling and analysis, Econometric Society Monograph Series. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Sonmez, T. and M. U. Unver (2011), Matching, allocation, and exchange of discrete resources, In Handbook of Social Economics, volume 1B (J. Benhabib, M. O. Jackson, and A. Bisin, eds.), 781-852, North-Holland, San Diego.

Ma, J (1994), Strategy-proofness and the strict core in a market with indivisibilities, International Journal of Game Theory, 23, 75-83.
Svensson, L. (1999), Strategy-proof allocation of indivisible goods, Social Choice and Welfare,16, 557-567.
Sonmez, T. (1999), Strategy-proof and essentialy single-valued cores, Econometrica, 67, 677-689.
Papai, S. (2000), Strategyproof assignment by hierarchical exchange, Econometrica, 68, 1403-1433.
Anno, H. (2015), A short proof for the characterization of the core in housing markets, Economics Letters, 126, 66-67.

Kamada, Y. and F. Kojima (2015), Efficient matching under distributional constraints Theory and applications, American Economic Review, 105, 67-99.
Kamada, Y. and F. Kojima (2017), Stability concepts in matching under distributional constraints, Journal of Economic Theory, 168, 107-142.
Kamada, Y. and F. Kojima (2018), Stability and strategy-proofness for matching with constraints: A necessary and sufficient condition, Theoretical Economics, 761-794.
Kamada, Y. and F. Kojima (2020), Fair matching under constraints: Theory and applications, Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming.
Root, J. and D. S. Ahn (2020), Incentives and efficiency in constrained allocation mechanisms, working paper.
Akin, S. (2020), Matching with floor constraints, Theoretical Economics, forthcoming.

Pycia, M. and U. Unver (2017), Incentive compatible allocation and exchange of discrete resources, Theoretical Economics, 12, 287-329.
Balbuzanov, I. and M. H. Kotowski (2019), Endowments, exclusion, and exchange, Econometrica, 87, 1663-1692.

Roth, A. E., T. Sonmez, and M. U. Unver (2004), Kidney exchange, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119, 457-488.
Roth, A. E. , T. Sonmez, and M. U. Unver (2005), Pairwise kidney exchange, Journal of Economic Theory, 125, 151-188.
Ergin, H., T. Sonmez, and M. U. Unver (2020), Efficient and incentive-compatible liver exchange, Econometrica, 88, 965-1005.
Sonmez, T., M. U. Unver, and M. B. Yenmez (2020), Incentivized kidney exchange, American Economic Review, 110, 2198-2224.

Evaluation Methods and Policy 期末レポートで評価する.
Course Requirements 履修要件は特にないが,「上級ミクロ経済学」を履修済みであるか,それと同等の能力を有していることを前提に講義を進める.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) 講義で扱う論文については,事前に目を通しておくことが望ましい.
Textbooks Textbooks/References 初回以降に適宜講義スライドを配布する.