Frontier in Life Sciences

Numbering Code G-BIO21 65003 LE68 Year/Term 2022 ・ Intensive, Second semester
Number of Credits 1 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Doctoral students Target Student
Language English Day/Period Intensive
15:15-18:30 on Tuesdays
Instructor name NAKANO TAKESHI (Graduate School of Biostudies Professor)
FUKUDA HIROO (Part-time Lecturer)
MOCHIZUKI ATSUSHI (Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences Professor)
INADA TOSHIFUMI (Part-time Lecturer)
AOKI KAZUHIRO (Part-time Lecturer)
Outline and Purpose of the Course 生命科学領域の中で特に目覚ましい発展をとげている研究から、それぞれの領域の第一人者の先生に簡単な背景から将来の展望にいたるまでを講義をしていただき、大学院生の研究へのモチベーションを高めることを目的とする。

Prominent leading scientists from several research fields of life science will provide their research histories from their backgrounds to future prospects, to encourage young scientists.
Course Goals Learning the most advanced topics in selected research fields such as cell and molecular biology, biophysics, neuroscience, developmental biology and regenerative medicine.
Schedule and Contents Oct. 11 (Tue), 2022
Dr. Hiroo Fukuda
Former Vice-president, Univ. Tokyo
Professor, Dept. Environmental Biology, Kyoto University of Advanced Science
Meristems, cell-cell communication and CLE peptides
Regulation of vascular stem cell fates

Oct. 25 (Tue), 2022
Dr. Atsushi Mochizuki
Lab. of Mathematical Biology
Department of Biosystems Science
Inst. Frontier Life and Medical Science
Kyoto Univ.
Solving biological phenomena by mathematical methods
Determining behaviors of biological systems from network structures

Nov. 8 (Tue), 2022
Dr. Toshifumi Inada
Division of RNA and Gene Regulation
Inst. Medical Science
Univ. Tokyo
Quality control mechanisms to ensure the accuracy of gene expression
Ribosome dynamics and ribosome-associated quality control RQC

Dec. 13 (Tue), 2022
Dr. Kazuhiro Aoki
Lab. Quantitative Biology
National Inst. Basic Biology
Principles and Mechanisms of Cell Signaling.
Visualization and Manipulation of Cell Signaling.

Please be aware that details are subject to change.
Evaluation Methods and Policy Evaluation will be based on attendance and effort. Further details will be announced in the first lecture.
Course Requirements None
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Basic knowledge of molecular biology will be required to understand the course content. No particular preparation is necessary, but students are advised to read related papers, which will be useful to understand lectures.
References, etc. Related papers, which are useful to understand lectures, will be indicated in flyers.