Regional Environmental Economics1A

Numbering Code G-AGR06 6FA49 LB82 Year/Term 2022 ・ First semester
Number of Credits 2 Course Type Lecture
Target Year Target Student
Language Japanese and English Day/Period Tue.3
Instructor name Not fixed (Kyoto University)
Outline and Purpose of the Course This course will introduce partial equilibrium microeconomic analysis. Primary emphasis is placed on individual economic behaviors. The model used is static equilibrium and/or optimization models. Topics include theory of the firm, theory of the market, and theory of the consumer. Both mathematical and graphical presentations are used in the class.
Course Goals 1) To understand a mathematical treatment of fundamental microeconomics theory with emphasis on static partial equilibrium analysis; 2) to construct and analyze mathematical models of individual economic agents; 3) to obtain knowledge on useful application of these models for various public policy issues, including regulation, taxation, and pollution control.
Schedule and Contents 1. Introduction/ Concavity and Convexity (Varian Ch.1)
2. Theory of the Firm: Production Theory (Varian Ch.1)
3. Theory of the Firm: Cost Minimization, Properties of Cost Function (Varian Ch.4)
4. Theory of the Firm: Profit Maximization, Properties of the Profit Function (Varian Ch.2,3)
5. Market Structure: Perfectly Competitive Industry (Varian Ch.13)
6. Market Structure: The Standard Monopoly Model (Varian Ch.14)
7. Market Structure: Oligopoly, Cournot Model, Stakelberg Model (Varian Ch.16)
8. Consumer Theory: Consumer Preferences, Utility Maximization (Varian Ch.8)
9. Consumer Theory: Properties of the Indirect Utility Function (Varian Ch.9)
10. Consumer Theory: Expenditure Minimization (Varian Ch.9)
11. Consumer Theory: Slutsky’s Equation (Varian Ch.10)
12. Partial Equilibrium Welfare Analysis (Varian Ch.10)
13. Theoretical Properties and Their Implications for Empirical Analysis (Varian Ch.12)
14. Introduction to Information Theory (Varian Ch.11)
15. Final Exam
Evaluation Methods and Policy Evaluation is made by home work (40%: 10% x 4 times) and final exam (60%).

Evaluation method and achievement is based on the Student Guide.
Course Requirements Students should have basic knowledge of intermediate microeconomics, environmental economics and calculus.
Study outside of Class (preparation and review) Students are expected to review lectures and discussions in the class and work on the assignments. Students are requested to read the assignment in advance.
Textbooks Textbooks/References Microeconomic Analysis 3rd ed., Varian, Hal R., (Norton, 1992), ISBN:0-393-95735-7
Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach 9th ed., Varian, Hal R., (Norton, 2014), ISBN:978-0393920772
A Course in Microeconomic Theory, Kreps, David M. , (Princeton University Press, 1990), ISBN:0-691-04264-0
Necessary materials are pvovided in the class.
References, etc. Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, 4th ed. , Chiang, Alpha C. & K. Wainwrigt, (Norton, 2005), ISBN:978-0-19-510268-0
Microeconomic Theory, Mas-Colell, A., M.D. Whinston, and J.R. Green, (Oxford University Press, 1995), ISBN:978-0-19-510268-0