International Inaugural Symposium for UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management for Sustainable Development
Welcome address Assoc. Prof. Minako Jen Yoshikawa, GSAIS, Kyoto University
Pioneering Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) through collaboration of UNESCO Chairs and Centres
This symposium seeks to promote dialogue, exchange and collaboration, including academic research and networking amongst UNESCO Chairs and Centres. It will also lay the groundwork for expanding and strengthening the academic network for collaboration and exchange in higher education and research between Kyoto University and partner universities/organisations.
- Welcome address
Assoc. Prof. Minako Jen Yoshikawa, GSAIS, Kyoto University
Jul. 30, 2018 02:07 English
- Opening remarks
Prof. Juichi Yamagiwa, President, Kyoto University
Jul. 30, 2018 05:35 English
- Congratulatory address
Mr. Mitsuhiro Ikehara, Deputy Director-General for International Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) / Senior Deputy Secretary-General, Japanese National Commission for UNESCO
Jul. 30, 2018 05:54 English
- Congratulatory address
Dr. Hirotada Matsuki, Director, International Affairs, Water and Disaster Management Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MILT)
Jul. 30, 2018 06:32 English
- Introduction of WENDI including its draft policy
Prof. Kaoru Takara, Chair Holder, UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management for Sustainable Development (WENDI) & Dean, Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)
Jul. 30, 2018 12:17 English
- Higher education and research for water-related disaster management in WENDI
Prof. Yasuto Tachikawa, Graduate School of Engineering, Co-Chair (Water-related Disaster Management)
Jul. 30, 2018 08:27 English
- UNESCO IHP Training Course
Prof. Shigenobu Tanaka, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Co-Chair (Water Resources)
Jul. 30, 2018 07:53 English
- Global lakes & reservoir repository to be linked with satellite remote sensing
Prof. Yosuke Yamashiki, GSAIS, Co-Chair (Water Quality)
Jul. 30, 2018 07:26 English
- Energy security and Easterlin paradox
Prof. Keiichi Ishihara, Graduate School of Energy Science, Co-Chair (Energy Science)
Jul. 30, 2018 06:11 English
- Energy education activities for sustainable development in Asia
Prof. Hideaki Ogaki, Institute of Advanced Energy, Co-Chair (Energy)
Jul. 30, 2018 05:59 English
- Activities of the Graduate School of Agriculture in WENDI agricultural systems and food security
Prof. Eiji Nawata, Graduate School of Agriculture, Co-Chair (Food Security)
Jul. 30, 2018 08:36 English
- Forest ecosystem studies in the Graduate School of Agriculture and WENDI Program
Prof. Mamoru Kanzaki, Graduate School of Agriculture, Co-Chair (Forestry and Biodiversity)
Jul. 30, 2018 09:16 English
- An emerging activity of WCRP/SPARC program for understanding climate variations and change in the stratosphere-troposphere coupled system
Prof. Shigeo Yoden, Graduate School of Science, Co-Chair (Climate Change)
Jul. 30, 2018 09:24 English
- Data science for disaster risk management and disaster response
Prof. Michinori Hatayama, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Co-Chair (Data Sciences)
Jul. 30, 2018 07:29 English
- Discussion and feedback
Jul. 30, 2018 09:13 English
- The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme: Harnessing the power of collective research and collaboration to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Dr. Peter Wells, Chief, Higher Education, UNESCO Headquarters, France
Jul. 30, 2018 28:19 English
- Emerging eco-hydrological initiative in Malaysia: River of life
Ir. Dr. Hj. Md. Nasir Md. Noh, Director General, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Malaysia
Jul. 30, 2018 20:33 English
- Debris and mudflow model, Malaysia
Dr. Norlida Mohd Dom, Deputy Director, The Regional Humid Tropics Hydrology and Water Resources Centre for Southeast Asia and the Pacific (HTC), Malaysia
Jul. 30, 2018 21:14 English
- Ecohydrology – engineering harmony between water, environment and society
Prof. Maciej Zalewski, Director, European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences & Chairman, Department of Applied Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Poland
Jul. 30, 2018 26:26 English
- Promoting ecohydrology as new approach to support IHP VIII Program implementation in Indonesia
Dr. Ignasius D.A. Sutapa, Executive Director, Asia and Pacific Centre for Ecohydrology (APCE-UNESCO), Indonesia
Jul. 30, 2018 16:52 English
- Platform on water resilience and disasters
Prof. Toshio Koike, Director, International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), Japan
Jul. 30, 2018 20:45 English
- More-room-for-water initiative
Prof. Matjas Mikos, UNESCO Chair Holder, UNESCO Chair on Water-Related Disasters Risk Reduction, Slovenia
Jul. 30, 2018 24:14 English
- Sustainable water management. Building connectivity between Central Asia and WENDI Chair
Dr. iur. Barbara Janusz-Pawletta, UNESCO Chair Holder, UNESCO Chair on Water Management in Central Asia, German-Kazakh University, Kazakhstan
Jul. 30, 2018 18:58 English
- Strategic water resources management study in Nan River Basin – research, policy and dissemination –
Dr. Sucharit Koontanakulvong, UNESCO Chair Holder, UNESCO Chair on Water, Disaster Management and Climate Change, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Jul. 30, 2018 21:57 English
- Introduction on Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan Univ. (R-DMUCH) and UNESCO Chair International Training Course on “Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Management”
Prof. Takeyuki Okubo, Director, Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage (UNESCO Chair on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Management), Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Jul. 30, 2018 20:36 English
- Discussion
Jul. 30, 2018 17:06 English
- Discussion: Moving Forward
Jul. 30, 2018 29:17 English
- Closing remarks
Prof. Kayo Inaba, Executive Vice President, Kyoto University
Jul. 30, 2018 03:04 English
- Year/Term
- 2018
- Date
- July 30th, 2018
- Faculty/
Graduate School - Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)
- Language
- English
- Place
- Symposium Hall, International Science Innovation Building, Kyoto University
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Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)
Kaoru Takara, Michiaki Matsushima, Masatake Shinohara, Benjamin H. Bratton, Hiroaki Takashima, Yuichi Ikeda, Yosuke Yamashiki, Kaoru Sekiyama
Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)
Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)
Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)