96th Open Research Seminar “Faculty Development and Learning Spaces at the COVID era and beyond: lessons from abroad”

“Faculty Development and Learning Spaces at the COVID era and beyond: lessons from abroad” John Augeri (Ile-de-France Digital University)

The COVID-19 pandemic raised unprecedent challenges for Higher Education, questioning not only the Teaching & Learning practices, but more globally the boundaries of the learning territories on the short and potentially long term. The Faculty Development matter became a strategic asset for all universities in order to face those immediate and upcoming changes, that will also impact the nature of the face-to-face practices to be conducted in the post-pandemic era, setting the question of the innovative physical Learning Spaces.

This seminar will discuss these two fundamental topics through the insight of foreign experiences. It will present the Ile-de-France Digital University region-wide Faculty Development initiative launched in Paris area in 2009, and the evolutions it experienced during 2020 to face the pandemic. It will also use an international comparative study of Learning Spaces conducted since 2016 to forecast their position in the future campus strategies, and outline the way they may support the Teaching & Learning practices to emerge from the COVID era.