生物センシング工学演習Ⅱ , 2013

13 Nik Salwani Nik Yusoff

本講義は,プレゼンテーション能力,英語のコミュニケーション能力,パワーポイント作成時に必要なデザイン能力等を養うため,英語で行うものである。受講生は前期,後期共に2回ずつの発表を行い,担当教員ならびにNative Speaker,海外からの研究者およびPh.Dコースの学生によってそれぞれの能力の評価を行う。発表は修士論文,博士論文,課題研究などを通じて行った実験について行い,発表時間は12分,質疑応答は約10分で行う。適宜OCWも利用することより,自己評価ならびに自分自身での能力向上を可能としている。


近藤 直(農学研究科 教授)
小川 雄一(農学研究科 准教授)


授業形態 演習 配当学年 1回生以上
曜時限 火4, 火5
Students are expected to make English presentations on their own research projects such as their experimental plans, results, and reports of relevant papers four times in 30 weeks for a year. Several students conduct 12 minute presentation and 10 minute discussion in each class. The presentation schedule is updated on homepage of Bio-Sensing Engineering Laboratory.
URL: http://www.aptech.kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp/e/index.html

Typical presentation examples are below:
1. The latest research paper reports: Students have to read many relevant papers for propelling their own research projects as the first step for starting researches. They present on the research papers in recent international journals and discuss with participants.
2. Resarch plan and discussions: Students need to make research plans for a year as the second step based on the latest research papers. Discussion with participants helps them judge if the plans and experimental methods are appropriate or should be improved.
3. Experimental results and discussion: Students are supposed to weekly report their experimenal results at other meetings. In this course, they learn how to present on the experimental results and discussion effectively as well as materials, devices, and methods in order to make participants understand well.
4. Join to discussions on other students' presentations: Students can learn many techniques and skills in presentations from other students' presentations. In this course, not only Master course but also Ph.D students and undergraduate students participate for mutual learning.
Presentation skill and communication skill are scored in five grades at four-time 12 minute presentations and discussions. Students who conducted presentations receive comments from participants (students and professors) to improve for the next time presentations. Attendance should be more than two thirds of the classes.
It is desirable to take undergraduate courses provided by Professors Kondo and Ogawa such as "Measument Science", "Physicall and Biological Properties of Agricultural Products," "Introduction to Foreign Literature on Agricultural Machinery" and graduate course "Seminar I on Bio-Sensing Engineering."