国際教育研究フロンティアC, 2016
The anxiety of inclusion: Introduction Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London)
Course Description
This is an intensive course “The cultivation of political emotions,” jointly organized by the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University and UCL Institute of Education.
Thinking about education through film
This course will follow ground-breaking work in film as a medium of philosophical enquiry into education. It will examine film texts to explore the ways in which film as a medium aids the understanding of experience and education in what has been called a post-literate, image-driven society. It will explore the potential of film analysis in relation to such features of contemporary society as digitization, textuality, and changing patterns of conversation. The course has relevance not only to the understanding of the changing world in which young people grow up but to questions of teaching and learning through film. In particular, it builds on work undertaken by the UCL Institute of Education-Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Philosophy of Education Research Colloquium. Over the past ten years, this colloquium has researched education by means of film analysis in an innovative and highly productive way. This work draws on the distinctive approaches of two contrasting philosophers: Stanley Cavell and Gilles Deleuze. It thereby brings together different traditions of thought in a dynamic way. The processes of teaching and learning adopted on the course are themselves occasions for reflections on pedagogy and introduction to productive ways of teaching.
- The anxiety of inclusion: Introduction
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/11 49:59 英語
- Group work and discussion
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/11 32:59 英語
- Nostalgia and Europe after Brexit
Marinete Araujo da Silva Fobister (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/11 40:39 英語
- Exile and inclusion – Excerpts from Albert Camus’ “Exile and the Kingdom” –
Alison Brady (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/11 42:42 英語
- Barbara Cassin and nostalgia – What are we ever at home? –
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/11 23:24 英語
- Group work and discussion
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/13 38:52 英語
- Lecture
Skilbeck Adrian (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/13 50:12 英語
- The man who fell to earth
Eyre Jason (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/13 47:20 英語
- Wittgenstein, meaning, and the following of a rule
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/13 39:48 英語
- Wittgenstein, meaning, and the following of a rule: Group work and discussion
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/13 16:01 英語
- Why I am anxious
Qasir Shah (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/13 22:11 英語
- Why I am anxious: Group work and discussion
Qasir Shah (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/13 17:45 英語
- Wittgenstein, meaning, and the following of a rule (1)
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/15 1:16:37 英語
- Wittgenstein, meaning, and the following of a rule (2)
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/15 1:11:56 英語
- Discussion
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London)
2016/12/15 49:31 英語
- 年度
- 2016年度
- 開催日
- 2016年12月11日 から 12月15日
- 開講部局名
- 教育学研究科
- 使用言語
- 英語
- 教員/講師名
- Paul Standish(Professor, UCL Institute of Education)
Naoko Saito(Professor, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University)
Day 1: Sunday, 11 December, 2016
1 The anxiety of inclusion: Introduction
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
2 Group work and discussion
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
3 Nostalgia and Europe after Brexit
Marinete Araujo da Silva Fobister (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
4 Exile and inclusion – Excerpts from Albert Camus’ “Exile and the Kingdom” –
Alison Brady (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
5 Barbara Cassin and nostalgia – What are we ever at home? –
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
Day 2: Tuesday, 13 December, 2016
6 Group work and discussion
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
7 Lecture
Skilbeck Adrian (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
8 The man who fell to earth
Eyre Jason (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
9 Wittgenstein, meaning, and the following of a rule
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
10 Wittgenstein, meaning, and the following of a rule: Group work and discussion
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
11 Why I am anxious
Qasir Shah (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
12 Why I am anxious: Group work and discussion
Qasir Shah (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
Day 3: Friday, 15 December, 2016
13 Wittgenstein, meaning, and the following of a rule (1)
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
14 Wittgenstein, meaning, and the following of a rule (2)
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
15 Discussion
Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education, University College London) Video
教科書・参考書等 | Film as Philosophy: Essays on Cinema after Wittgenstein and Cavell, Read, R., and Goodenough, J. (eds.) (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005) Cinema I: The Movement-Image, Deleuze, G. (Bloomsbury Revelations, 2013) Contesting Tears, Cavell, S. (The University of Chicago Press, 1996) “’Not to explain, but to accept’: Wittgenstein and the pedagogic potential of film” in Peters, M. and Stickney, J. (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein on Education - Pedagogical Investigations, Gibbs, A. (Springer, 2017) The World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film, Cavell, S. (Harvard University Press, 1971) |

Yanping Fang , Linfeng Wang
高山敬太, 興津妙子, Henna Juusola, Kimmo Kuortti
広瀬 悠三
稲垣 恭子, 桑原 知子, 西岡 加名恵, 岸田 蘭子, 西平 直, 服部 憲児, 南部 広孝, 大山 泰宏, 山名 淳